1st Law of Motion
2nd Law of Motion
3rd Law of Motion
Isaac Newton
Important Terms
What is the first law of motion?
What is an object in motion tends to stay in motion unless an outside force acts upon it.
What is the definition of the second law of motion?
What is force is equal to mass times acceleration.
What is the third law of motion?
What is for every action, there is an equal BUT opposite reaction.
Where was Isaac Newton born?
What is England.
A person is weighed on Earth and in space. Where will the person weigh more and what causes the difference in the weight?
Gravity causes you to weigh more because there is force pushing down on your body. You will weigh more on Earth than in space.
I am riding on a skateboard. All of the sudden, I hit a curb. What happens to me according to the first law of motion?
What is I will keep moving (probably falling to the ground) because the first law of motion says that an object in motion tends to stay in motion.
Give an example of the second law of motion in action (hint: think back to our laws of motion day last week!)
What is an object with greater mass will have a greater force on an object, like the rocks with the flour experiment!
According to Newton's Third Law of Motion, what will happen if I blow up a balloon and then let it go before tying it?
What is air will come out of the balloon and it will go flying around the room BECAUSE the third law of motion states that there must be an equal but opposite reaction.
What is one thing that Isaac Newton studied?
What is gravity, light, motion...
Define force. What law of motion is force connected most to?
What is force is a push or pull on an object. Force is closely connected to the second law of motion.
If an object is at rest, what will have to happen to the item in order for it to be in motion?
What is an outside force must act upon it.
Why is it harder to push a cart full of bowling balls than it is to push a cart full of basketballs?
What is the mass of a bowling ball is greater than the mass of a basketball.
If I apply more force to an object, what will happen to its movement?
What is the object will accelerate
What tool did Isaac Newton discover in his studies that you might use in an art class?
What is the color wheel.
What is position in science?
What is the location of a specific object.
Give an example of the first law of motion in action.
What is (many different answers)
Name what each part of the formula stands for: F= ? M= ? A= ?
What is f=force, m=mass, a=acceleration
Think of another way to show the third law of motion.
What is (there could me many examples)
Where did Isaac Newton go to college?
What is University of Cambridge
True or false: an object that has no forces pushing or pulling on it is at rest.
What is true
A magician quickly pulls a table cloth off of a table. What happens to the items on the table according to the first law of motion.
What is they remain on the table.
You and a friend are each throwing a football. What do you have to do in order to throw the ball farther?
What is throw the ball with more force.
You are pushing on a door. What happens with the door according to the third law of motion?
What is the door pushes back with the same amount of force.
In what year was Newton born? a. 1890 b. 1950 c. 1673 d. 1775
What is c. 1673
The definition of "inertia" is the tendency to do nothing or remain unchanged. Which law of motion would inertia fit with?
What is the first law of motion