Nancy just retired from this agency.
What is MSHA?
Nancy graduated from this High School.
What is Kennedy
Favorite kind of cake.
What is carrot cake?
This is Nancys favorite book genre.
What is women's literature.
Nancy has this many grandchildren.
What is 4
This job, was Nancy's first.
What is delivering handbills.
Nancy's favorite subject in school.
What is science
This is Nancys favorite flower.
What is lilies
Nancy reads her books in this format
What is Kindle?
What food item does Nancy bring every Christmas?
What is Lasagna
Nancy started her first job at this age.
What is 16
Nancy went to the principal's office this many times in her school career.
What is 0
This favorite grandchild, also created this Jeopardy.
Who is Hannah?
How many books did Nancy (according to goodreads) read in 2024
What is 84
This is the top item on Nancys bucket list
What is exercising.
Nancy made this much money per hour at her first job.
What is 1 dollar
When Nancy was a kid, she wanted to be this when she grew up (3 acceptable answers).
What is a teacher, lab person, or account
This is Nancys favorite color.
What is purple/lilac
This is the title of the book Nancy is currently reading.
What is Missing Persons
Nancy used to have an unhealthy obsession with this online game.
What is Hay Day
This is the name of Nancys favorite coworker.
Who is Gloria
This insect was fried by her brother, causing serious injury as a kid.
This board game, contains tiles with numbers, sitting on blue tile holders is a favorite of Nancys.
What is Rummikub?
This is Nancy's favorite author.
Who is J.A. Jance, Mary Alice Monroe
This pizza place Nancy would take her grandchildren to on 'special occasions'
What is Garlic Knots