Name phoenixes first favorite animal
what is a honey badger
name one of the Phoenix’s favorite Stuffy’s
honey claw my stuffed 🦡
Name one of Phoenix’s favorite songs
party in the USA
Name one of phoenixes favorite games
What is one of Phoenix’s favorite things to do with Isa
Playing on the playset
Name phoenixes second favorite animal
What is a penguin
Name two of phoenix’s favorite stuffy’s
biscuit my stuffed 🐻 And Ginger my stuffed horse
name to a phoenix’s favorite songs
Party in the USA and Royale
Name to a phoenix’s favorite games
Tic-tac-toe andMonopoly
To a phoenix‘s favorite things to do with Isa
Play tic-tac-toe and hug
What’s Phoenix’s third favorite animal(3)
Sloth bear zip butterflies
Name three phoenixes favorite stuffy’s
Ellie my stuffed elephant and biscuit my stuffed bear and Sophie and my baby stuffed 🦡
Name three of phoenixes favorite songs
party in the USA Royale and try everything
Name three of phoenixes favorite games
Monopoly go fish and Dino rummy
Three phoenixes favorite things to do with Isa
Watch movies play games and talk to each other
What is(5)Of phoenixes favorite animals
pandas honey badgers owls otters and cats and dogs
Name for a phoenix’s favorite stuffy’s
tiny my stuffed bear who is small biscuit my stu bear Heggie my stuffed hedgehog And you need my stuff the unicorn
Name a for a phoenix’s favorite songs
Royal try everything dancing in the dark and it’s raining 🌮
Name for of Phoenix is favoriteGames
Monopoly Dino rummy go fish and shoots and 🪜
Name For Phoenix’s favorite things to do with Isa
Watch movies talk to each other make pillow forts and drawl
Name(9) of Phoenix’s favorite animals
Zip panda bears honey badgers dogs cats squirrels birds butterflies and humans
Name five a phoenixes favorite stuffy’s
Heggie my stuffed hedgehog and Sophia my baby honey badger biscuit my bear and honey claw my honey badger mother and UNI my stuffed 🦄
Name five of phoenixes favorite songs
Royal try everything dancing in the dark and I need you like the flowers need the 🌧🪷🌺🌷💐
Name five of Phoenix’s favorite games
Candyland shoots and ladders trouble aggravation And Cood names
name five of Phoenix’s favorite things to do with Isa
Play in the backyard watch movies do Crafts and roll around on our beds and have play dates with our friends