when we pray we end by saying…
It’s large round and green on the outside. The inside is sweet and red. You enjoy this during the summer.
Watermelon. You can thank Jehovah for any food. Even candy and ice cream.
What help can you ask for?
Help at door, in school, with holidays, help to obey
Name a time we pray every day
Breakfast, lunch, dinner, bedtime
Who said the Lord’s Prayer?
When we begin praying we say…
Be thankful for this person, you would not be alive without them!
Jehovah, Jesus, Mommy, Daddy, Grandma, Grandpa.
What qualities can you pray for?
Love joy peace long suffering goodness kindness mildness self control, obedience, humility
Besides breakfast lunch and dinner when might we pray?
when in trouble, at school, when afraid
Finish this sentence, “our father in the heavens let your kingdom…”
Name something you are thankful for right now!
Family, parents, life, oxygen, eyesight, a couch, a home, a brain!
What physical things can you ask for?
food, house, clothing, things we need.
When do we say a silent prayer?
Who is the hearer of prayer?
Our prayers should be…
Respectful, sincere, honest
This thing lights up your life and you are thankful for it! What is it?
Moon, stars, sun, bible, flashlight, joy, laughter, lightning bugs!
What can we pray for if we did something bad?
When might we say an out loud prayer?
When we are asked to before meal, when others are listening, at the Kingdom Hall for meeting or service.
What should we not pray for?
Greedy things, money, toys, bad
Our prayers must be in line with…
Jehovah’s will
How has Jehovah helped you?
Gave you parents, life, helped at school, helped me not be afraid, in service, Jesus sacrifice, gave us bible
What things can we pray for if we are having hard times?
Be safe, secure, comfort
When might we say a longer prayer?
When we are alone, in bed, when worried or scared, when we want to.
How many languages does Jehovah understand?
All of them