Video Games
Tabletop Games
TV Shows
Food & Drink
Rae's Hobbies

Have you heard of this critically acclaimed MMORPG with an expanded free trial up to level 70 with no restrictions on play time? Rae has.

What is Final Fantasy XIV?


Rae is a master and officially registered judge for this popular card game.

What is the Pokémon Trading Card Game?


The main character of this show has been played by more than 14 different actors and actresses.

What is Doctor Who?


Rae loves chili and has a cookbook of 177 different recipes, written by an actor from this popular sitcom.

What is The Office?


Some people argue that this game is not a sport. Rae vehemently disagrees. Fun fact, her high score is 269.

What is Bowling?


One of Rae's favorite game series is this JRPG franchise made by Atlus, combining elements of building relationships and fighting inner demons.

What is Persona?


Rae's favorite board game. She doesn't get to play it often because most people don't want to play it with her and believe it will take too long.

What is Monopoly?


Rae gets an incredible amount of gender envy from the titular character of this animated series, master of the 4 elements.

What is The Legend of Korra?


Rae's favorite snack food. She loves to eat it while watching her favorite movies. She also probably puts more butter on it than she should.

What is popcorn?


Rae considers November 2, 2016 to be one of the best nights of her life after watching this sporting event.

What is the Chicago Cubs World Series win?


In this game, you solve murder mysteries while locked in a school with an evil black and white teddy bear. Expect a lot of neon pink blood.

What is Danganronpa?


Another game close to Rae's heart, this board game can have up to 5 players vying for limited property using colored tokens. Extra points go to whomever has the longest continuous line!

What is Ticket to Ride?


The fall 2023 season of this popular reality show has a competitive Pokémon player as a contestant.

What is Survivor?


This variety of tea is a favorite of both Rae and Captain Jean-Luc Picard.

What is Earl Grey?


Rae's interest in building computers was sparked by watching this component get installed in her family's original 1990's PC.

What is CD-ROM?


This is Rae's favorite Pokémon, number 610 on the Pokédex.

What is Axew?


The rules are constantly changing in this card game. If you can't change the rules to have a winning hand, you're out!

What is Red7?


Rae's favorite anime is this 6 episode series with a soundtrack by The Pillows.

What is FLCL?


Rae can't stand this popular sandwich ingredient. Just the smell of it is enough to make her gag, and she won't eat any part of a sandwich that touched it.

What are pickles?


Rae specialized in these types of percussion instruments in high school.

What are keyboards (Xylophone, Vibraphone, Marimba)?


One of Rae's all-time favorite games is this driving "simulator" with a constantly spinning limo and cutscenes with a 70's B-movie aesthetic.

What is Roundabout?


Rae's first tabletop RPG was not Dungeons & Dragons, but rather this science fiction title by Palladium Books.

What is RIFTS?


One of Rae's former coworkers contacted a casting agent to try to get her onto this dating reality show that lasted 5 seasons. She refused.

What is Beauty and the Geek?


This liquor made with anise and elderberries is Rae's favorite. Too bad it has too much sugar for her to have it currently.

What is Black Sambuca?


Rae's favorite charity gaming events include Games Done Quick, Extra Life, and this mid-November event featuring what is considered to be the most boring game in the world.

What is Desert Bus For Hope?