what is Reese`s favorite color?
got into a fight with my friend for blaming me that I did it even though I didn`t do it.
1.say sorry
2. try to fix it
3. try to find a solution
free write
do a presantation
what is Reese`s favorite animal?
you are taking a math test and you are worried about that you are not going to get any of the answer right.
1. take a break
2. tell your teacher
3. try your best
4. take deep breath`s
5. count to ten
6. think of something good or think of something that will make you happy
story promblems
math mestery`s
what`s Reese`s favorite food?
sushi, and noodles
Sally was on her bike and runned into her friends Jonhathan and Leah and Vera and they were playing a basketball game and Sally wanted to join and when she asked them is she could play they said no.
1. find a different friend and play with them
2. go tell a truested adult and tell them that you are being bulled.
read a story
do a CFA
BLooket about animals
what`s Reese`s favorite sport?
ice skating
I asked my mom for a extra dessert after dinner and she told me no. I got really mad and said some not nice things about her.
1. say sorry to your mom for being mean to her
2. go take a break in your room
play with my friends
candy land
what`s Reese`s favorite subject?
math and writting
My friend called me a really mean name. I told her that was not nice and it hurt my feelings and she called me the mean name again.
1. go to an adult and say that you are being bullied
2. go away from your friend
most likely to
never have I ever