Sam's middle name is...
What musical instrument did sam's counselor play at them when they were being annoying?
Sam's favorite food is...
mac and cheese
Who was the first person I came out to?
Where were we when the term beaver shark started.
Over night school feild trip
Sam's birthday is...
June 27 2007
Sam's cabin was protesting against...
Beber sports
Sam's sun and rising signs are...
Cancer and Libra
Who was the first teacher to know I was gay?
What was the nonexsistant restaurant name I pointed out.
Sam's three favorite colors are...
Sage, yellow, and lavender
Name the one good part of the overnight backpacking trip.
The campfire on the last night
Name 3 of sames favorite artists/bands
Cavetown, Mitski, Mother Mother, Girl in red, Beach Bunny, Maneskin, Olivia Rodrigo
How many plants do I own?(not counting the vines hanging on the walls)
What did I think rock Mont was called.
Goats, frogs and cats
What is the name of the counselor Sam completely embarrassed themselves in front of?
Name the 4 different schools Sam has been too. (k-8)
Loral oak, Thunder bird, Dgs, Langtree
What did I originally come out as?
What animal did we make up stories for on the overnight trip?
The time sam was born is...
2:20 pm
Name my whole cabin and my counselors.
Mal, Addie, Chessie, Naomi, Abby, Shira, Leah, Jess, Happy, Shayna, Noa
Sam's dog's full name is...
Lady Penelopee Of Bahia Bay
Who was the first person that I was not good friends with to know I was gay.
Where were we sitting when you told me that piper was eaten by a shark.
Outside at dgs on the wooden slab.