What is your school counselors name?
Mrs. Tennant
True or False: There are two counselors at Canyon Creek
Name the role of a person who is bullied.
Target or Victim
What can you do if you are feeling sad or in the blue zone to feel better?
Talk to the school counselor or another trusted adult, spend time with friends, do something that you enjoy (read, write, sit outside, have alone time, play a video game, sing, dance, listen to music etc).
Name two Kelso's Choices for "kid-sized" problems (the wheel of choices)
Wait and cool off
Go to another game
Talk it out
Share and take turns
Ignore it
Walk away
Tell the to stop
Make a deal
True or False: Your school counselors office is located by the front office.
True. It is located just down from the front desk.
True or False? Teachers and parents may request that the counselor invite a student in for an individual counseling session.
A person who witnesses bullying but does not step in.
A Bystander.
Is it okay to get angry?
Yes. Everyone gets angry. It is what you do with your anger that is important.
What is an example of a "kid-sized" problem?
Glaring, sticking out your tongue, taking your pencil, saying "I'm not your friend", being rude (not repeatedly), being mean (not repeatedly), saying you can't play, bumping into someone on accident, etc.
What day does 5th grade have classroom counseling lessons?
True or False.? Mrs. Tennant is allowed to tell your teacher and friends what you talk about in her office.
False! What you tell Ms. Brittany will stay with her unless you are in danger, someone else is in danger, or you give her permission to share with others. This is known as confidentiality.
What is the definition of bullying?
When someone keeps being mean to someone, on purpose. The person it is happening to cannot make it stop. It is unfair and one-sided.
What are the four zone colors?
What do you do if you have a "big" or adult-sized problem?
Tell a trusted adult.
Name a reason why a student may want to visit the counselor.
Feelings, friends, family, conflict, bullying, the list goes on!
True or False? Your school counselor will always tell your parents, teacher and/or school principal what you talk about with them.
False. Your school counselor will only share information with others if -you are being hurt, -someone else is getting hurt, -you want to hurt yourself…or you give permission to share. The school counselor might also encourage you to communicate important information to people who can support you.
What are the 3-R's in Second Step Bullying Prevention?
Recognize, Refuse, Report.
What are two feelings that are in the red zone?
Angry, furious, terrified, panicked, overly excited, etc.
How is conflict different from bullying?
Conflict is two-sided.
If you need to talk with your school counselor, what can you do?
- Ask your teacher.
- Tell Mrs. Tennant
- Fill out a "purple slip"
True or False: I am in big trouble if I have to see the school counselor?
No! You are not in trouble if Mrs. Tennant calls you to her office.
What is one type of bullying?
Physical, verbal, social, cyber.
Happy, focused, calm, proud.
What type of animal is Kelso.
A frog.