What’s your school counselors name?
What is Ms. Dorsey
True or False: your in trouble when you have to see the counselor
What is False. If you make a mistake we talk about it to make sure we don’t make the same mistake again.
True or False: the school counselor helps students study for test
What is false. Your classroom teacher would be a better person to help you prepare for a test. Your school counselor can help you if your feeling nervous about a test
True or False: the school counselor sees every student individually
What is false. The school counselor only see students that need to see her individually
Ms. Dorsey always calls students her ____________
What is her friends
Where is your counselors office?
What is in the library
True or false: your school counselor will always make time to help you.
What is true. Your school counselor will always make time to help you if you need it. You may need to practice patience because there are a lot of students at our school but your school counselor will always get to you.
True or False: the school counselor can help if I am having a big feeling
What is true. Your school counselor has a lot of different strategies she can teach you for handling big feelings
True or False: the school counselor see a select few students for small group meetings
What is true. The school counselor sees select students that need help practicing certain skills in small group meetings
Ms. Dorsey loves talking about ___________
What is feelings
How many years has your school counselor worked at LH?
What is 6 years
True or False: school counselors do not like helping students
What is false. School counselors love helping students. It is why they become school counselors and work in schools.
True or False: I can talk to the school counselor about things that happen outside of school
What is true. Your school counselor is always here to listen to you.
True or False: the school counselor may come in to do classroom lessons
What is true. The school counselor will come in a few times a year to teach the class skills that will help them be successful in school
Ms. Dorsey __________ to clear her brain
What is paint
What days is your school counselor in the building?
What is everyday! That was a trick question!
True or False: school counselors work with parents and teachers
What is true. School counselors work together with parents and teachers all the time. They work together as a team to make sure all the students are successful at school.
True or False: the school counselor can make students be your friend
What is false. Your school counselor can’t make students be your friend but she can give you tips on ways to make some new friends
True or False: If someone is in trouble I may see the school counselor at recess or lunch
What is false. The school counselor may come to recess or lunch to make sure students are happy and have someone to play or eat with, not because someone is in trouble
True or False: Ms. Dorsey has 1 baby
What is true
How can you meet with your school counselor?
What is ask your classroom teacher or leave a note in her mailbox.
True or False: school counselors share what you say with your friends without your permission
What is false. School counselors only tell what you say when your hurt, want to hurt someone else, want to hurt yourself, they feel your not safe, or you give them permission.
True or False: the school can help students handle conflicts with friends
What is true. Your school counselor can help you find ways to handle conflicts with friends in a positive way
True or False: the school counselor choose to see students based on who she likes the best
What is false! The school counselor will see ANY student that needs to see her
Ms. Dorsey always says ” when you see me your _________”
what is your not in trouble