What do I prefer more? Dogs or Cats?
I dislike one of these things: Bugs, The color blue, Heterosexuals. What do I hate?
Heterosexuals / straight people, or most of them cause they're homophobic
What is the one word Poki said that made me wheeze for hours?
When is my birthday?
April 16
What does PTSD stand for?
Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder
What is my favorite type of drink?
Choky / Chocolate Milk
What color do I hate the most?
Who gave me access to make the quotes channel? Jack or Poki?
In what way was I cyberbullied online?
What does BPD mean?
Borderline Personality Disorder
I have a special onesie, what animal is it?
Unicorn Onesie
What would I do if someone started cussing?
Get scared and start to shake
What was the first entry I put into the quotes channel when it was created?
"I'm just grabbing coffee while I'm losing oxygen-" Sykkuno 2021
On what social media app did I get cyberbullied on?
What are basic symptoms of PTSD?
Overwhelming guilt or shame and lack of sleep, as well as anxiety
What is the code word that I have for Among Us games?
Woof woof!
From my two illnesses, which one is my least favorite? PTSD or BPD?
What makes me funny in your opinion? (No wrong answers) :)
Thanks :D
Do I have ADHD or PTSD?
What are basic symptoms of BPD?
Self-harm, extreme emotional swings, and the fear of being alone or abandoned.
What is my favorite youtuber?
What is the one thing I hate Corpse saying?
"I will step on your child" >:D
For a few days, I had a certain image as my profile pic. What was it?
A Teddy Bear! (Rilakkuma)
What name did I have before I changed it to Sykkuno when we all first met?
What is a common mistake that people make about my disorders?
That I have depression but I do not.