Tessa's birthday
October 16th, 2000
The way Tessa prefers to listen to music in her car
Compact Discs (CDs)
Glenn is covered in these, something Tessa loves
Tessa's favorite ice cream flavor
Phish Food
Tessa's favorite number (multiple answers possible)
6, 16, 21, 2000
Tessa's dream job
This type of music is Tessa's favorite
Tessa's Guinea Pigs' names (Past and Present)
Poppy, Marigold, Winter, Autumn
This type of food is Tessa's favorite
Tessa's 3 favorite Pokémon that tie for the number 1 spot in her list
Jigglypuff, Chikorita and Mudkip
Wait for It
This very large kitchen utensil was found in a lot of her childhood videos
A Knife
This green vegetable is Tessa's favorite grilled item
Tessa's favorite genre(s) of books (as of 2022)
Life Stories and YA Sci-Fi
Tessa once wanted to be a Paleontologist. This late Jurassic dinosaur is her favorite
A song that Tessa knows very well, this specific one was a shock to Landon
The Real Slim Shady - Eminem
A very tall and breakable holiday decoration that was pushed over by Tessa
Christmas Tree
Tessa's go-to breakfast item from Starbucks
The Impossible Breakfast Sandwich
Tessa's favorite Magic the Gathering card (multiple answers possible)
Alexander Clamilton, Sly Instigator, Taurean Mauler
This country in the United Kingdom is her dream place to live (as of 2022)
The significant thing that happened to young Tessa when she was performing one of her first Britney Spears stage shows
She fell off the stage and her hair flipped out of her controlled front forward flip
This object was always ready at a moments notice when a friend wanted to have a playdate after school
Her carseat
The main ingredient that young Tessa would say is needed to make a good watermelon
Tessa's favorite TV game show