Toya's old elementary school
Markham Elementary
Victoria's favorite color
A Disney character that Tori loves
Winnie the Pooh
Princess Tori's soda of choice
A candy that Vee will always eat
Sour patch kids
Toya's favorite childhood movie
The Little Mermaid
Victoria's favorite movie
A subject that Tori enjoys
Princess Tori's first job
Plato's closet
Vee's best friends' names (Hint: 2 names)
Shanya & Ayme
Toya's pretend middle name
Victoria's favorite store
Bath & Body Works
A subject that Tori despises
The size shoe of Princess Tori
8 and 1/2
Vee's hobbies (Hint: Name 3 hobbies)
Writing, reading, baking
A phrase Toya said about her blood
"I'm cold-blooded"
Tori's favorite animal
Something that Vee always complains about
The heat or being too hot
A food that grandma makes that makes Princess Tori happy
Tacos de papas
Something Vee does often on the computer (Hint: 2 correct answers, name at least 1)
Writing or homework
The thing that Toya loved most as a child
Victoria's favorite person
No one
An anime that Tori likes watching
The day Princess Tori was born (Hint: Name the full date, including the day of the week and year without looking at your phone)
Wednesday July 14th, 2004
The age of Vee's knees
80 years old