What is your favorite subject?
English and Social Studies
What do you like to do outside of school?
Shop, decorate my house, hand out with my family, read, watch movies, get outside with my kids and do activities
Where are you in the family line up?
I am the oldest of three kids.
What is your favorite dinner?
Izzy (kitty)
I want a Golden Retriever puppy
Are you going to take a language next year?
I took Spanish in high school.
What sports do you play or what do you on the weekends?
I played competitive soccer until 9th grade.
My mom owns a tennis club.
What is your favorite thing to do when you have free time?
Where does your family go on vacation?
Where do you want to go to college?
I went to Salisbury University and McDaniel College.
What is something that makes you special?
I tore my ACL in my right knee in 8th grade.
I am a natural red head.
Halloween- We carve pumpkins on Halloween day and roast the pumpkin seeds to eat, have a bonfire while we give out candy
What is your favorite store?
Home Goods
What present are you asking for this year for the holidays?
Gift certificates
Where did you go to elementary school?
I went to Centennial Lane Elementary and Glenelg Country School.
What is the worst injury you have ever had?
ACL tear, broken shin
How big is your extended family and where do they live?
My mom is one of 8 and my dad is one of 3, so I have alot of cousins all over (Colorado, Virginia, North Carolina, California, Florida).
Where is your favorite place to eat?
Outback, Panera, Chick Fil A, Mod Pizza
What do you want to be when you grow up?
I always knew that I wanted to be a teacher.
What do you miss the most about being IN the school building?
I miss getting to know my students face to face and interacting with them. I miss my teacher friends. I miss the routine and normalcy of school.
What is your favorite place in your house and why?
Our basement because there's a big TV and comfortable couch
Who do you confide in the most in your family?
My mom and sister
What is your favorite movie?
Dirty Dancing, Grease, Who Framed Roger Rabbie, A League of Their Own, Home Alone
What kind of music do you like?
Pop, 80's, oldies, pop country