Who is my favorite music artist?
Olivia Rodrigo
What is my favorite subject?
What friend have I known the longest?
What is my favorite color?
What season of Gilmore Girls am I on?
What is my favorite Musical?
Come From Away
Name 1 elective I have already taken or I'm currently taking this year.
Economics, Theatre Arts 1, Computer Science 2, and Film and Video editing 1
Who is my best friend?
What summer did I quit camp?
Summer of 2023
What is my favorite song?
Pretty Isn't Pretty
What was the first role I had in a school musical/play?
What was the date of Aaron and I's B'nai Mitzvah?(Day, month, year)
June 11 2022
What time do I wake up in the morning for school?
What iphone do I have?
Iphone 13
What month and year did I go see Olivia Rodrigo in concert?
April, 2024
When I buy lunch at school, what do i get?
Chicken sandwich
Olivia and Cassidy
What is my favorite dessert?
Choclate Chip Cookies
What part of my room do I like to go to when I'm upset?
The corner
How many broadway musicals have I seen?
What is my next unit in ELA?
Shakespeare, Romeo and Juliet
What color was my dress at Aaron and I's B'nai Mitzvah party?
What logo did daddy draw on my whiteboard a few years ago?
Who is my favorite teacher this year?
Mrs. Bonnet, Science teacher