Fav meal time (ex: breakfast)
what is brunch
Ari's grade
Music Streaming App
What is Spotify
what is ANYAAA
Ryan reynolds or tom hollad
What is tom holland
Fav thing to make
Ari's Best Friend
What is anushka
Headphones or Airpods?
What is Airpods
Fav color
what is asian
Ari's role in band
What is percussion
What is Sour
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read or watch tv
watch tv
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What is Brownies w ice cream
Getting ready order (makeup/hair/clothes)
Clothes, hair, makeup
Ari's fav artist
Fav time of day
10pm/late night
saturday or friday
Fav restaurant
what is PF Changs
Social studies
Ari's fav personal playlist title
What is heart emoji
Fav shopping brand
makeup or hair