who is my fav dsmp member
karl or sam either will do
fav quote
fav duck
swirls chocolate milk
in wine glass
im bi and...
i wanna die
what is my favorite 1d song (in up all night album)
tell me a lie
who is my 3rd fav boy
louis (im sorry liam)
leas fav duck (other than ringo)
leroy (im sorry but u ran away)
sometimes i worry
about our mental health
dream and george not fount put together is...
dnf (dream not found)
what is my favorite starbies order
black and white frap with whipped cream and chocolate drizzle.
what is my fav album
take me home duh
fav duck wedding
francis and penelopes bc it was actually put together
i have an idea
lets rob target :D
my real name really is
what is my favorite dream song
roadtrip. he only has one if you get this wrong i stg
what would i SAY if i met ringo
we dont know nobody
least fav wedding
olivia and liam... it was real bad
when is
one direction gonna get back together
tommys wants a pet moth named..
what is my favorite stuffed animal i have
my valentines bear from 2014 (i told you this last time we hungout so dont tell me you didnt know)
whos mic is my favorite (has nothing to do with the boys themselfs)
harrys because kiwi and the green is like kiwi lol
the duck that nobody asked
biq q
my aunt got lice and she died
my grandma go lice and she lived but she lived a really licy life.
good job of play of the game