Time, Time, Time
Fictional Companies
Access Denied, Try Again
The Book of Steve
Colorado Critters

38 hours captured with 29.5 hours billable.

What is the weekly minimum time capture for a full time fox?


Commonly used generic company, Wile E. Coyote’s main hookup for dynamite.

What is ACME?


Identifying marks, name, address, or Rule4 stickers.

What are things that should not be put on a Rule4 proximity access card?


Co-founded Apple with Steve Jobs.

Who is Steve Wozniak?


Large mammal that at one time numbered 60 million in the US. Often misnamed as their South Asian and African relatives.

What is a Bison?


Number of individual daily time capture issues or misses in a month before someone asks "Like, seriously. WTF?"

What is three? 


Michael Scott is the regional manager of this paper company with an office based on Scranton, PA.

What is Dunder Mifflin?


Badged visitors must be held here until they can be met and escorted by their intended host. 

What is the vestibule (or front lobby)?


Nicknamed “Stone Cold” this wrestler also wasted a lot of beer in the ring. Also the name of the Six Million Dollar man.

Who is Steve Austin?


Excellent climbing skills are derived from their rubber-like hooves. Their less adventurous relatives are kept and sheered for their wool.

What is the bighorn sheep?


The next business day at 7:00AM

What is the deadline by which the current day's time must be logged?


Media and entertainment conglomerate Waystar RoyCo is at the center of this HBO show loosely inspired by the Murdochs.

What is Succession?


Law enforcement officers holding a valid warrant, firefighters looking to actively fight a fire, emergency medical responders responding to a medical emergency, individuals holding a valid Rule4 proximity access card, or guests of an active and on-going public event.

Who are visitors that do not need to be signed into Envoy upon arrival?


Sharing the same name, one is known for his exceptional driving skills and the other for winning an Academy Award for his film 12 Years a Slave.

Who is Steve McQueen?


One of the largest cats in North America, they are most found in the foothills, despite their name.

What is the mountain lion (other names accepted)?


The number of billable hours required (for an FTE) to receive a Green Charmander in Monday's time tracking report. 

What is 34.5 (with 38 captured) or 29.5 (with 43 captured)?


Homer’s favorite Beer, or a Gun’s N’ Roses guitarist.

What is Duff?


The physical security criteria that must be met before hosting a public event within Rule4's secured areas.

What is posting the event on the FoxNews calendar, announcing the event at FoxTrot (or in FoxComm), the event has started and exterior vestibule door has been unlocked, a host has been identified and named for the event, and all fox offices have been locked and cubes cleared of sensitive info?


Crocodile Hunter who was killed by a stingray.

Who is/was Steve Irwin?


Found in Colorado’s wetlands and waterways, this mammal can grow up to 40 pounds and stay underwater for up to 15 minutes. Unfortunate members of this species might end up on Dan’s head.

What is the (North American) Beaver?

Quantity or amount of time that should be logged for efforts related to client projects, client tasks, professional development, marketing, sales, recruiting, or facilities tasks. 

What is all of it? 


Office Space company where Peter Gibbons can’t get his TPS reports submitted to Lumbergh’s satisfaction.

What is Initech?

The doors through which none shall pass without their host as an escort.

What are the inner vestibule doors, when secured


Candidate for British Parliament will be represented in-person by Steve Endacott.

Who/what is AI Steve?


After almost going extinct, a dozen of these large mammals were reintroduced into North Park in the late 70s and another dozen a year later. In real life they’re a lot less friendly than Bullwinkle.

What is a moose?