Horsing Around
Keller? I hardly know her!
Learning her ABCs...
D's Nuts

The name of the horse Alice most recently owned/sold.

Who is Jack?


Alice has only ever played one season of a team sport, and it was this. 

What is JV lacrosse?


The name of Alice's mother. 

What is Emma?


Learned from a young age, though occasionally misspelled in places, this is Alice's full name. 

What is Alice Amelia Gilbey Keller?


Alice's elementary/middle school, where instead of recess, she had "playstreet," during which her and her classmates played on the street

What is Dalton?


The FULL SHOW name of the horse Alice most recently owned/sold.

Who is Union Jack?


Alice assigned the clever name "We Got The Beep" to her _____ team in fifth grade. 

What is robotics?

A good number of Alice's high school friends called her this name instead of Alice, due to her last name. 

What is Helen?


At the beginning of each 8th grade English class, Alice would write and present a rap. This was the rapper stage name she eventually went by. 

What is AK47?


The name of Alice's crush in 7th and 8th grade. When she wasn't paired with him in English class to hold hands and recite a memorized scene between Romeo and Juliet, she ran to the bathroom and cried. 

Who is Dylan?


Alice was this many when she first started riding horses!

What is 4 years old?


When volunteering at the local animal shelter in high school, Alice spent her time working in the room full of these animals. 

What are cats?


Alice’s sister, Molly, studied abroad in Rabat, Morocco during her junior year in college. This was her major.

What is religious studies?


This was Alice's first word.

What is "hi"?


The name of Alice's Uncle who, one time, was sitting in a dark living room when Alice arrived home from somewhere. When they locked eyes, he said, in his British accent, "Niece to see you..."

Who is Dennis?


The full name of the pony that Alice fell off of EIGHT times in TWO months (twice in one day on one occasion!)

Who is "Oh Well"?


One hallowed eve in the third grade, Alice's babysitter Dana got stuck on the subway, stranded without contact, and did not show up to pick Alice up from THIS class. 

Alice was too shy to seek help, so she sat silently for two hours hoping Dana would show--which she finally did! As a result of this conundrum, Alice was gifted an emergency flip phone. 

What is gymnastics class?

When she was younger, Alice visited her Grandpa Anthony and his wife, her bad step-grandmother, Penelope in Suffolk (in the English countryside) about once a year. When visiting, every day, Penelope would take Alice across the street to here...

What is the church?

In first grade, everyone was reading this series about a titular dynamic duo, while Alice and Molly Finnegan sat in the hallway to read the more advanced Misty of Chincoteague 

What is "Frog and Toad"?


Alice's Halloween costume in 5th grade which, honestly? Stole the show at the grade-wide Halloween party.

What is a dollar bill? (hundred dollar bill to be exact)


At her highest, Alice was competing in horse shows over jumps this high. 

What is 3 feet and 6 inches?


Alice was playing this song at her piano recital when she suddenly discovered she had super bad stage fright. 

What is "A Whole New World" from Aladdin?


Alice’s only girl cousin, Anna, does this for a living. 

What is veteranarian(ism)?


In 9th grade English class (the class that first prompted her to look into boarding schools...) Alice blanked on her memorized recitation of the prologue to this 14th century book written in Middle English.

What is The Canterbury Tales?


The mythological character Alice played in the 6th grade Greek festival--the first time she was forced to overcome her stage fright and the last time she was on stage before performing with Hysterics. 

Who is Demeter?