row 1
how heavey is the ball?
que es 440 libras
what country is it from
que es espania
boys and girls can play
que es falso
were does it take place?
que es Madrid
what is the ball made out of
is a bull painted on the ball
que es cierto
What American holiday do I compare to boloencierro
que es fouth of july
what mounth does my holiday take place?
que es julio
does it go agianst animal cruelty
que es cierto
what is the ball made out of?
que es styrafoam
what food do they eat after ?
que es al grill carne
Did Justin say more than ten words in the presentation to be annoying?
que es cierto
what does boloencierro mean?
que es ball-running of bulls
what do they drink?
que es bebidas
ture or false is the holiday on the same day ever year
que es falso