What game is this
What are they playing?
{American} Football
What breed of dog is this?
What is this beacon of freedoms name?
Statue of Liberty
also known as Lady Liberty
This is sometimes called Fairy Floss, but what is the name we know it by?
Cotton Candy
What game is this?
Snakes and Ladders
What game are they playing?
Is this large cat a female or male?
This is a lioness, which is the female.
What is the name of this famous Las Vegas landmark??
Hoover Dam
What yummy food is this?
Cinnamon raisin bagel
What is the name of this game?
This event is called "Beam" but what sport is it a part of?
What is the real name of this animal, nicknamed a trash panda?
This landmark spans the US/Canadian boarder, but this is the US side, what is the name of this beautiful sight?
Niagara Falls
This looks like an onion ring, but its actually fried squid! What is it called?
What game are these used in?
What game are they playing in this?
What is this large mouthed animal?
Hippo {hippopotamus}
Name this amazing natural landmark.
Grand Canyon
French fries {chips}, gravy, and cheese curds make up this Canadian Favourite! But what is its name?
What are they playing?
This sport is part of a category known as what?
Track and Field
What are these little cute squirrel looking animals?
What is this 'unforgettable' landmark?
The Alamo
What is this creamy dessert called?
Crème Brulee