The parent has reached out confused about several issues that need to be addressed.
A total of 3 emails have been sent.
The parent is now frustrated because they feel like we are taking too long to answer their questions and when we do respond, not all of their issues have been addressed.
A phone call has been requested.
What template could be used to start drafting a response?
Bonus 25pts, potential action steps to be taken before responding?
What is Call Request Template?
Bonus 25pts: Escalate drafted response, this would be the 4th email being sent to this parent. We want to make sure we de-escalate the situation.
We received this email:
Good morning 🌻,
May I know what is the class start and end dates? And what is the class start and end time in a topical class day?
What snippet could be incorporated into a template?
Bonus 10 pts: What template could be used instead?
What is #Program Format Inquiry?
Bonus 10 pts: what is Program format inquiry.
The student received a scholarship; the program cost is now $448. They are located in Brazil and state that the Brazilian Real compared to the American dollar is too high.
Student's Question: How will I pay this in United States Dollars?? I can have my uncle exchange the money but I'm not sure how to pay you guys in cash. Even so, I can not pay all at once. Is it ok if I pay from time to time?
Hint: Remember, 2 answers here.
What is Payment Plan Inquiry Template?
What is #Currency Inquiry?
We received the following email:
Dear support,
You have pending incoming emails that you are yet to receive.
Access to ( will be restricted until you confirm ownership.
Confirm account now
Note: Access to will be restricted within 48 (forty eight) working hours.
Regards support Team
Identify the kind of email this is.
What is spam?
Title of the link we provide to a parent so they may pay for their student's program.
What is Deal Enrollment URL?
I will also settle for the snippet: What is Partner Checkout URL?
The student Lizbeth Ramirez was recently accepted into the Business of Luxury program for the February 5 - March 5 2023 session.
The student has stated that March 5 - April 2, 2023, works better for their schedule.
Which template may be used in the response to this student?
What is the Accepted Switch Confirmation template?
The student wants to know the difference between a 1-week cohort and a 4-week cohort.
What snippet could be incorporated into a template?
What is #sessionlength?
We received the following email in our Rice inbox:
I was recently emailed about this program, and I would love to take a course but I saw that the only two offered were medicine related courses. I was wondering if there were other STEM courses offered and when they would be offered. Thank you, Mia Yonker
The student has started an app, but no programs chosen.
Identify the template we would use to respond to this student.
Hint: First, explain to the student who we are.
Potential Bonus 25 Points!: Be in the student's shoes for a moment. What answer are you expecting?
What is the Rice-About template?
No snippet necessary.
Bonus 20 PTS: Address their question/concern: We do not offer STEM courses
Extra 5 points: Provide a link to resume the application if they are still interested.
How would we identify this email, when filling out this ticket?
Dear Sir/Madam
I am a representative from InterGreat Education Group, parent company of the world’s number one IELTS training website,
We are currently looking for advertisers in the USA and believe that Wake Forest University Pre-college programs would be a great fit for this region. Our users are primarily aged 16-22 and are studying to prepare for higher education or are interested in professional development.
I have attached some information about our digital advertising packages in the US. We can also offer marketing solutions in more countries based on your requirements.
If you would like to start advertising today or are interested in strategic partnership opportunities related to our other areas of expertise, namely study abroad, exchange programs and online testing, please feel free to get in touch.
Hint: Provide the ticket field and the drop-down chosen within this field.
What is the category field: Misc. Marketing Request?
Review this link (note the subject of the email):
Identify the link we must include in our response.
Bonus 10 pts.: What is the snippet that can be used instead?
What is Deal Registration URL
Bonus 10 pts.: What is #Wake apply URL
The parent has responded to the "Thank you for your application" auto-email in the Case inbox:
Thank you. I have Natalie taking the Medical Research Pre-College Course at Georgetown in March, and I think I'll have her do the April session for this Astrology course, as she has a lot going on during February right now. Can you please update her application to those dates? Thanks.
App Deal Stage is: Completed
What template could we use to start drafting a response?
50 bonus pts.: What is the root issue? And what would we have to do on the admin side to assist this parent?
What is the Scholarship Pending template? (Update wording to "application")
50 Bonus pts: In the meantime, please confirm the dates that work best for the student (list the sessions) and advise that we will pass the information along to our Admissions Team.
(this route avoids back-and-forth comms with parent): Escalate to Kyrena to have the app review expedited. IF the student is accepted into Case, and there is only 1 session offered in April, switch the student to THAT session and send the enrollment/checkout link.
We received this email from a parent in our Georgetown inbox:
My son just finished his A-levels in July 2022 at Tanglin Trust School innSingapore and will start Philosophy at Edinburgh University in september 2023. He has a Dutch nationality and is 18 years old (dob 21 April 2004). He is currently taking a gap year and is a ski instructor in Switzerland. He is also on a debate team for the county, it's to help younger children develop their argumentative skills. Is he eligible for your pre-collefe programs?
No application on file yet for this student.
What snippet could be incorporated in a template?
Hint (Potential 75 bonus points!): How can we turn this into a sales opportunity? Be in this parent's shoes for a second, what answer are you expecting?
What is #Georgetown Age?
Bonus 25 pts. Note, the question was not just specific to their son's age. The parent is asking about the application requirements. You can find this information on the marketing site. Include the application requirements in the response as well.
Bonus 25 pts.: Be sure to directly address the concern: Yes, your student is eligible to partake in these programs based on the information you have provided.
Bonus 25 pts.: Now, suggest that the parent have their student start an application with us for Law: How To Think Like an Attorney. Include the link to start an application!
1. The student can not afford the Georgetown - Psych program and has been denied a scholarship award.
2. They have stated: "My family has GREAT financial difficulty. Please, help me. I can't do this on my own"
3. They are very excited about this program and confident that they will benefit greatly since they will be pursuing the program as a major in college. The student is hoping to have their scholarship re-evaluated.
4. This seems like a quality student.
What template, snippet & link would we use to craft a response to this student?
What is:
Appeal scholarship offer Template
[[#program]] <--Program Dates URL?
We sent the following email to a student:
Hi Nikol,
Thank you for your response and we’re sorry to hear that you are not able to enroll at the approved scholarship.
While we weren't able to offer you another scholarship, we would still love to have you participate. Since the tuition payment is due at least 48 hours before the start date, we'd be happy to switch you to a later session to postpone the enrollment deadline.
You can click the following programs below to view a list of available dates:
Business: Strategy & Innovation
Investing: The Future of Finance
Let us know which sessions would be more convenient and we'll update these details for you right away.
We appreciate you applying with us and please let us know if you have any other questions or concerns.
Thank you,
Identify the category, partner/program, and journey tag when filling out this ticket.
What is Scholarship request?
What is Wake: Business AND Wake: Finance?
What is Accepted Unpaid?
A course ended 1 month ago, but the student has now completed their program and is eligible to obtain a certificate.
Identify the title of the link we would send to the student, so we can get more insight into how they felt about the program.
15 bonus points: Provide the title of the link we would send for their certificate.
What is Deal End of Course Survey URL?
15 pts.: What is Deal Certificate URL?
The parent has reached out to advise the following: Hi, are there any pre-college course classes that are 100% scholarship approval that Joel can take?
The student has an accepted-unpaid application on file with no scholarship request.
What template would we use to start drafting a response to the parent?
Bonus 15 pts.: What should the parent know that is not included in the correct template we would use?
What is Post-App Scholarship Request
15 pts.: Notify the parent that scholarship awards are not guaranteed, and may be partial or full.
A snippet we use in an email that will allow a student who is located in backoffice, to resume their application.
What is #partnerapplyurl?
SPECIAL CARD: HubSpot Inbox Access
Click on the orange icon on the top left of HubSpot.
You should be seeing the dashboards. To access email communications and chats (all of them in 1 place), I have to click these 2 things.
Hint: How do we get to inboxes to view email communications?
What is conversations?
What is Inbox?
We sent the following email on 2/1/23:
Hi Adonis,
Thank you for confirming your program and session.
Your enrollment is now complete for Becoming A Surgeon: Skills, Specialties, And Diseases with the dates Sunday, May 07, 2023 - Sunday, Jun 04, 2023 (4 weeks).
A Canvas welcome email with instructions on how to get started will be sent from to the enrolled student's email within 48 hours of the start date.
Congratulations again! Please feel free to reach out if there is anything else we can assist with in the meantime.
Identify the Partner & Program & Journey tag
What is Georgetown: Surgery?
What is Accepted Enrolled?
The button you click within a contact record to expand the conversation or view the communication history between the contact and CLX.
Hint: Hover over this button to find the answer.
What is View (or Hide) Trimmed Content?
A student sent this email:
Good Afternoon,
I hope this email finds you well. The reason for this email is to request the transcripts from a college program I took this past summer. The name of the program was "How to Think like a Lawyer". I know it does not give college credit, however many of the schools I am applying to as a senior ask for evidence of this.
This one is tough! You could escalate. If this was your answer, you qualify for full points: What is to Escalate?
Alternative answer: What is Transcript Request Template?
When dealing with a chatbot, we click on this to ensure that we are responding as an email and not a chat.
Hint: Hover over the button, the answer is what the button is called.
What is change channel?
This is what the general inbox tab, is called.
What is Precollege Programs?
The tab we click on in HubSpot where we can leave a note for our colleagues or ourselves, to revisit the email or chat communication later.
What is comment?
The link we click on to access all of a program's sessions on the marketing site.
We can use the URL of this link in an email so that when a student clicks on it, it takes them to the dates we offer for that particular program.
What is program dates?