Antibiotic Stewardship
Hand Hygiene
Name that Isolation
Clean me up Scotty

Occurs when a bacterium evolves and adapts to evade the effects of an antibiotic

What is antibiotic resistance?


15-20 seconds

What is how long to wash your hands?


Isolation used for C-diff

What is Enteric Precautions


Objects or materials which are likely to carry infection, such as clothes, utensil and furniture.

What is a fomite?


Equipment that only touches intact skin 

What is non-critical


True or false: Nursing staff can take part in monitoring and advocating for appropriate antibiotics

What is true: by monitoring antibiotic start/stop times, correct antibiotics for cultures, monitoring lab values, and communicating with the doctor re: patient status.


Before and after patient care, when going from a clean body site to a dirty body site, and after going to the bathroom.

What is 3 times your are supposed to wash your hands?


Standard Precautions

What is precautions for every patient


Purple top Sani-Cloths

(Yes, it says alcohol but it is the manufacturers recommended cleaner)

What do you clean the glucometer with?


Soap and water and alcohol based hand rub

what are the 2 types of hand hygiene?

Monitoring cultures, start/stop times on all antibiotics, correct administration times, monitoring lab values, correct dressing changes on IV sites, correct tubing changes on IV fluids

What are interventions that nurses can do for antibiotic stewardship


Washing your hands with soap and water only.

What is washing your hands after caring for a C-diff patient?


Isolation for Covid-19

What is Special Droplet Contact Precautions


Gloves, Gowns, masks (N-95 and surgical mask)

What are 3 types of PPE?


True or false: medication administration devices, such as pill crushers, glucose meters, and equipment should be cleaned each shift.

What is False.  Medication administration devices, such as pill crushers, glucose meters, and equipment should be cleaned between each patient.


A bacterium that is not typically resistant but can cause deadly diarrhea and is associated with antimicrobial use

What is C-diff


The most effective way (and least expensive) way to prevent transmission of infections?

What is good hand hygiene?


The nurse, when a communicable disease is suspected or proven.  

Who can start isolation precautions?


True or false: you can be infected with an infectious disease and have no symptoms.

What is true?


True or False: Equipment used by patients suspected of have C-Diff can be cleaned with the standard Sani-Cloths

What is false: you have to use the bleach Sani-cloth wipes for patients suspected or proven to have C-Diff

Get recommended vaccines, keep hands and wounds clean, and take good care of chronic conditions, like diabetes.

what are steps to reduce your risk for getting an infection


True or false: Clothing, jewelry, and nail treatments may harbor infectious agents that can be transferred to others and the healthcare environment, facilities and equipment.

What is true.


 Isolation for disseminated Shingles

What is Airborne Contact Precautions?


Sharps containers when they are full to the 2/3rds line

What is "time to change it"


Never _______ a needle.

What is recap