What town was Jesus born in?
God with us……….
Jesus’ first miracle
Turning water into wine
Jesus cause Paul to go blind for how many days?
3 days
Jesus’ mom
What was the name of the angel that told Mary, “you are highly favored”?
What name is Jesus most commonly referred to in the new statement?
Lord (775 times)
This miracle took 3 days to come to fruition.
The Resurrection
What city was Paul headed to when he was blinded by Jesus?
The king in which God promised Messiah would come through
King David
What did Joseph first want to do when he found out Mary was pregnant?
He wanted to divorce her quietly.
He is the first and the last
Alpha and Omega
Jesus cast these demons out of two men into many pigs
What was the first thing Jesus said to Paul?
“Saul, Saul, why persecutest thou me?“
Jesus’ cousin who often hung around the Jordan River
John the Baptist
What Caesar issued a decree that a census should be taken all through the entire Roman world?
Caesar Augustus
Before Abraham was……….
I Am
He was in the grave for 4 days
What was the first thing Paul did when he regained his eye sight?
He got baptized
This brother of Jesus was the leader of the early Jerusalem church
On what day was Jesus circumcised?
On the 8th day
Verily, verily
What day of the week did Jesus heal the man with the withered hand?
Who placed his hands on Paul and restored his sight?
The only 2 brothers of Jesus that wrote a book in the New Testament
James and Jude