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What are the three laws of motion? Name and state each one.

Law of Inertia: any object at rest or in motion will continue to do so unless acted upon by an external force.

Law of Acceleration: the acceleration of an object is directly proportional to the force applied and is inversely proportional to its mass.

Law of Interaction: any action would have an equal but opposite reaction.


This is rate it takes for a quantity to displace a 1kg object for 1m at an acceleration of 1m/s/s over one second.

Power (mad/t)


The minimum distance required to hear a distinct echo 0.1 seconds after producing sounds.

17 meters


Rank the colors of light from fastest to slowest in a vacuum. 

The all move at the same speed.


Differentiate thermal energy, heat, and temperature.

Thermal Energy: the amount of energy possessed by the particles in a specific system.

Heat: the thermal energy in transit due to a difference in temperature.

Temperature: the average kinetic energy of the particles with relevance to certain scales.


A bowling ball and a feather have been dropped at a certain height in a free fall. If we make an argument according to the Law of Inertia, which one should fall first? Why?

The feather, because it has less inertia. This means it would be weak against gravitational pull.


Name the two kinds of energy possessed by an object depending on its movement. Provide the formulas for both kinds.

Potential Energy: PE = mgh

Kinetic Energy: KE = 1/2 mv^2


Provide the formula for wave period if frequency (f) was not given.

T = 1/(v/λ) 


List the four main properties of light, along with the actions it does along with each property.

Reflection: bounce back

Absorption: taken in

Refraction: changing speed/bending

Transmission: pass through


Two temperature scales correspond to "absolute zero". What are they?

Kelvin and Rankine


A 21.84 kg crate is placed on a ramp inclined at 78.62 degrees. What would be the normal force exerted by the ramp towards the table?

42.27 N


How far will a spring with energy 8,932.67 J stretch if the spring constant is 24.86 N/m?

26.81 meters


Provide the formula for speed of sound at zero degrees Celsius.

Vo = Vc - (0.6T)


Compare the incident angle against the refracted angle when light strikes a basin filled with water.

The incident angle will be larger than the refracted angle.


List all the phase changes involved in an endothermic process. How about for exothermic?

Endothermic: melting, evaporation, sublimation

Exothermic: freezing, condensation, deposition


Jessica is pulling back a drawer with 26.97N of force. On the same side, Troy pushes it with a force of 39.42N. If the drawer weighs 2.78 kg, how much would it accelerate?

4.48 m/s/s


A box weighing 2.46 kg is pushed to move 0.03572km with an acceleration of 10.84 m/s/s over 17.39 seconds. How powerful was the push?

54.77 W


Waves that are 23,695.47 cm-long travels at a speed of 673.28 m/s. How long would it take for one wave to pass?

0.35 seconds


At what speed would light travel in a material with a refracted index of one?

299,792,458 m/s


What is the boiling and freezing points of water in Rankine?

Freezing: 491.67 degrees Rankine

Boiling: 671.67 degrees Rankine


A 3,586.75 g ball moving at 17.42 m/s is pushed to accelerate 68,463.76 cm after one-fourth of a minute. How much force was applied in the push?

6.75 N


A 1,278,654.75 g truck travels a distance of 0.536 km over 16 seconds. How much kinetic energy would it possess?

717,485.15 J


If sound travels through a 32 degrees Fahrenheit unknown material with a speed of 1,794.52 m/s, at what temperature would it travel 1,648.29 m/s?

-243.72 degrees Celsius


Gamma rays traveling through a vacuum has a frequency of 16.87 kHz. How long would its each wave be?

17,770.74 meters


Suppose that a 4.92 kg object was heated to 136.868 degrees Fahrenheit by adding 823.59 J of heat, what would the object’s specific heat capacity be?

2.87 J/kg degrees Celsius