I like to read, but I love to write.
The conjunction in that sentence is ____________.
A group of words that has a subject and a verb and CAN stand alone.
independent clause
A paragraph that will appear in an argumentative essay and not an informative essay.
The events that build tension and suspense.
Rising action
Douglas, Russell, King, Redmon
The writing teacher(s) get to decide if the answer was acceptable.
We will have a pop quiz if you do not stop talking.
The conjunction in that sentence is ____________.
While we are learning how to write compound sentences, they are learning how to write complex sentences.
The dependent clause is...
While we are learning how to write compound sentences
This complete sentence is formulated by pulling apart the prompt to address exactly what the prompt is asking (it answers the question and states the essay topic).
A lesson learned by a character in the story.
Saying it again in another way
Dependent clause signal words are known _____________.
Subordinating conjunctions
Has one independent clause and one or more dependent clauses that are joined together with a subordinating conjunction.
complex sentence
Things that must be included with the introduction of sources.
Article(s), author(s), and main topics(s)
Pleaded, mocked, scolded, petitioned
Said words/tag
Man vs man, man vs nature, man vs himself, man vs society
Types of conflict
Name the coordinating conjunctions.
for, and, nor, but, or, yet, so
This always starts a simple sentence and ends a simple sentence? Hint: 2 answers
Capital Letter and Punctuation!
In essence, Ultimately, Given these points
These words may appear in an essay (possibly in different areas).
Ending statement (E) and when restating the topic sentence (R)
Who? What? Where? When? How? This is where the setting and characters are shown to us.
Predict, question, clarify, comment, connect, summarize
Since I earned an A on my Writing test, Mom took me out to dinner.
The conjunction in that sentence is ____________.
The type of conjunction used was a ______________ conjunction.
Fill in the blank: Beyonce sang a song last night on tv ______ I didn't get to watch it. Hint: there are 2 parts to the answer
, but
A confused student wrote an argumentative essay about how writing is not an important subject. Let me hear a possible counterclaim paragraph for this essay.
On the other hand…, This makes sense because…, However…, Therefore…
A person or force that opposes the main character/hero in the story.
Vocabulary- word choice, transitions, using words or phrases from the text appropriately, sentence variety, formal style and tone
Language (writing rubric)