Who threw fireworks at beaver creek
who dodges the most fortnite 1v1's
what 3 things does tanraj have that make the panties fall
tesla, dog and hes over 6ft
Who deleted Allah 1.0
Who do we vote when we are in doubt
why did indie and abdul lose their perms originally in the server
they kept kicking each other out the call
why did indie delete discord
because he didn't feel productive
Why did nanu start going to the gym again
Because Abdul said he can bench 165
Who gaslighted abdul into getting that haircut
Nanu's cousin
who was in the famous bike down the hill video
satveer and abdul
Who MADE jesus with airpods (as in added things to the server)
How many women has indie tried to be with (including the ones he got with)
What is Michael, Franklin and Trevor's last name
De Santa, Clinton and Philips
Who did Tanraj send THE PIC to (name)