Attendance and Accountability
Bus Transportation and Parent Pick-Up
The 6 C's on Page 10
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7:25 a.m.
What is the time that school starts?
This person is in charge of the bus and all of it's passengers.
Who is the bus driver?
Student achievement and academic success
What are the only things celebrated at Allen Village?
Monogrammed polos and sweaters. Must be tucked in at ALL times.
What are the only acceptable types of uniform shirts?
Allen Village school and staff will not be responsible for lost, stolen, or damaged items of this type. Items can and will be confiscated and kept until the end of the year if items cause a distraction or are out at in inappropriate time or place.
What are all electronics or items of value?
A doctors excuse.
What is required if you miss three or more days in a row?
Game systems, ipods, ipads, and headphones
What are items allowed on the bus for student entertainment?
Must be turned off, left in lockers during the school day, and not to be used in the school building.
What are cell phones.
Khaki slacks, shorts, skorts, jumpers, or overalls.
What are the only acceptable bottoms of uniforms?
Must remain locked at ALL times. Combinations may not be shared. No inappropriate decorations allowed inside. Students may NOT store items belonging to anyone else.
What are the rules for lockers?
5 or more days
What are the number of days missed which may result in retention?
Eat food, drink beverages, smoke, light matches, throw objects on or outside the bus, disturb the driver, or transport items that might endanger others.
What are activities NOT allowed on the bus?
Can only be conducted with parents or legal guardians. Other extended family members may not attend.
What are SLC's (Student Learning Conferences)
Black or brown leather or leather-like. Free from ornamentation. (there are two possible answers for this one)
What are acceptable types and colors of belts and casual shoes?
May not be administered by the classroom teacher. Must have documentation from a physician in order to be kept at school.
What are the rules regarding medication?
Mutual Respect and Cooperation
What is the school environment at Allen Village?
A note from a parent.
What is required for you to go to parent pick-up?
Parent Permission
What is required for a student to meet with the counselor?
Must be the color of the student's hair.
What are the only acceptable bows, headbands, scrunchies, etc.... worn in the hair?
Occurs between 2:55 p.m. and 3:00 p.m. except on tutoring days. It will occur at 4:00 p.m. Students must report to the gym at these times.
What is the time Parent Pick-Up takes place?
7:24 a.m. - 4:00 p.m.
What are the school hours during tutoring.
2 weeks
What is the amount of time you will not be able to ride the bus if your parent or guardian takes you from the bus line during dismissal.
Necessary to support an environment that is safe and promotes an atmosphere of learning.
What is the purpose of school rules?
Small (no larger than a quarter) and non distracting
What type of jewelry is acceptable?
Makes sure students attend school regularly, assures students are dressed properly, attends 4 Student Led Conferences, checks over student homework and planner, and provides in writing and changes in transportation.
What are some of the parent responsibilities?