To live in; use as a dwelling. (v)
The vocab word is inhabit.
Where is the only area that you can find both alligators and crocodiles?
the southern tip of Florida and the Florida Keys.
How long does it usually take for alligator and crocodile eggs to hatch?
a. about 65 days
b. about 165 days
c. about 265 days
d. about 365 days
a. about 65 days
Not knowing of what is happening; not realizing. (adj)
The vocab word is unaware.
Why do alligators and crocodiles puff out their necks?
to show they are ready to fight.
Young alligators and crocodiles usually feed on the following animals EXCEPT . . .
a. fish
b. frogs
c. raccoons
d. birds
c. raccoons
Against the law or rules; not lawful. (adj)
The vocab word is illegal.
What do older alligators and crocodiles eat and how do they catch their prey?
Older alligators and crocodiles eat big animals like raccoons and deer. They catch their prey by holding its nose underwater until the animal drowns and they also leap to catch their prey.
What are considered alligator and crocodile’s main enemy and why?
Humans are alligator and crocodile's main enemy because people hunt them for their meat and skin. Also, people develop in areas where these reptiles live, so they lose their habitats.
(of a species) seriously at risk of extinction. (adj)
The vocab word is endangered.
When did dinosaurs become extinct? Which animals survived and continue to live to this day?
Dinosaurs became extinct about 65 million years ago. The animals that survived and continued to live to this day are crocodiles and alligators.