Another name for Korihor
What is Anti-Christ?
Satan does this to his supporters (hint Alma 30:60)
What is "will not support his children and drag them down to hell?"
This man lead the Zoramites
Who is Zoram?
Name of the tower the Zoramites built to pray on
What is Rameumptom?
Sis. Fuller gave this challenge last week
What is try to understand the needs of others and provide relief?
The first land Korihor went to preach (hint: Alma 30:19)
What is Jershon?
Alma used this example to prove that god is real (hint Alma 30:44)
What is the "earth, and all things upon the face of it...?"
What is worshipping idols?
Rameumptom means this
What is "the holy stand?"
This is my favorite ice cream
What is pralines and cream?
The people of Jershon did this to Korihor
What is binding him, taking him to Ammon, and kicking him out?
God used this sign to show Korihor that he is real
What is being struck dumb?
Alma took these men to preach to the Zoramites (hint Alma 31: 5-6)
Who is Ammon, Aaron, Omner, Amulek, Zeezrom, Shiblon, and Corianton?
This is what the Zoramites thanked God for when they prayed on the Rameumptom (hint Alma 31:22)
What is "They were chosen of him, and that he did not lead them away after the tradition of their brethren, and that their hearts were not stolen away to believe in things to come, which they knew nothing about?"
This is the first day of school
What is August 13th
After Jerson, Korihor went here
What is Gideon?
The reason Korihor believed everything he was preaching (hint 30:53)
What is the "devil appeared unto me in the form of an angel...?"
This is mightier than the sword
What is the word of God?
The missionaries took this with them to preach the gospel to the Zoramites
What is nothing?
Date of the next General Conference
What is October 5-6
Name of the high priest who questioned Korihor in Gideon
Who is Giddonah?
This happened to Korihor after he was struck dumb
What is became a beggar?
What is Antionum?
What is once a week?
This is President Nelson's birthday
What is September 9, 2024?