Bill o' Rights
Let's Amend That!

A Court Supreme
Law in the Days before the Constitution
Hopelessly Devoted to Voting
This is the number of Constitutional amendments that are considered to be part of "the Bill of Rights."
What is "ten?"
This amendment grants a person the right not to incriminate themselves by giving testimony that might hurt their case.
What is the Fifth Amendment?
The death of this justice has left a vacancy on the Supreme Court, creating many deadlocks and ties.
Who is Justice Alito?
This representative body in England gained more power after the English Civil War in the 1640s.
What is the Parliament?
The presidential election is held every four years on this day.
What is the first Tuesday in November?
This verb describes the process by which amendments are approved and included in the Constitution.
What is "to ratify"?
This amendment, passed in 1920, granted women the right to vote.
What is the 19th Amendment?
This justice once called herself a "wise Latina" (and many people agree with her).
Who is Justice Sotomayor?
Before English colonists came ashore what would be known as Massachusetts in 1620, they signed this agreement to make decisions as a "body politic." It was the framework for rule of law in North America that serves as the foundation for our Constitution today.
What was the Mayflower Compact?
The number of these people in each state are determined by this formula: two (for each senator) plus the number of congress-people from the state.
What are the electors?
The separation of church and state -- by which the government may not force you or encourage you to follow a religion -- is established in this amendment.
What is the First Amendment?
This amendment forbids enslavement of anyone, except as punishment for a crime.
What is the 13th Amendment?
This person is currently Chief Justice of the Supreme Court.
Who is Justice Roberts?
This English document, presented to King John by angry noblemen in 1215, guaranteed that the king was not above the law and that people could not be arrested without "habeas corpus" -- notice to the public that the person had been arrested.
What is the Magna Carta?
This is the length of a congress-person's term.
What is two years?
The right to assemble peacefully is guaranteed by this amendment.
What is the First Amendment?
The 18th Amendment, passed in 1919 banned the sale of "intoxicating liquors" in the United States, creating this period of time, during which intoxicating liquors were consumed and sold illegally.
What was the Prohibition?
These elected legislators have refused to hold confirmation hearings for President Obama's nominee for Supreme Court justice.
What is the Senate (or the senators)?
During the Salem Witch Trials in 1692, this kind of evidence -- which had to do with supernatural appearances -- was permitted in the courtroom.
What was spectral evidence?
This is the duration of a senator's term.
What is six years?
This amendment requires the government to get a search warrant from the court before searching one's home (or even, now, one's cellphone).
What is the Fourth Amendment?
This amendment forbids "cruel and unusual punishment" and many people believe capital punishment violates this amendment.
What is the Eighth Amendment?
This decision in 1954 determined that in education "separate" can never be "equal."
What was Brown v. Board of Education?
The Flushing Remonstrance, during which farmers from Queens fought for the right for freedom of religion, was ultimately supported by this government -- which then fired Peter Stuyvesant.
What was the republic of Netherlands (or Holland)?
The electoral vote is the number of votes cast by electors in each state for a candidate. The other kind of vote counts the actual number of votes cast by human beings in a presidential campaign.
What is the popular vote?