What is it called when you and your guide have a meeting about core skills
Limitless Meeting
What is the workshop called where you solve a rubix cube, juggle for 30 seconds and run 1 mile
Just do it
What is the test called when you try to level up from your grade in that subject
A STAAR test or mastery test
What is it called when you build a bridge out of pasta that can hold 100 pounds for 1:00 minute
What is one of the websites that we use to help us with our fact fluency
Fast math Rocket math Xtra math
How many minutes do we do life skills each day
2 hours and 45 minutes
How much alphas do you get per unit
What life skills is it when you run a triathalon.
What is it called when you look at your data from the day before.
Geek squad
What life skill is alpha ambassadors.
Public speaking