The Phirst Women
Famous Women, Famous Quotes
Women's History Month
Women in the Civil Rights Movement
Famous Alpha Kappa Alpha Members

First African-American to win an Emmy Award for Outstanding Lead Actress in a Drama Series (Hint: The series was "How to Get Away With Murder)

Viola Davis


Who said, 'I never run my train off the track and never lost a passenger?'

Who is Harriet Tubman


What month is Women's History Month?



Who's refusal to give up her seat on a public bus sparked a boycott of Montgomery, AL buses from 1955-1956?

Who is Rosa Parks


What prominent member of Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority, Inc doubles as the first female vice president of the United States? 

Who is Kamala Harris 


This track and field champion became the first American woman to win three gold medals in the Rome Olympics. She elevated women's track to a major presence in the United States. As a member of the black community, she is also regarded as a civil rights and women's rights pioneer. Along with other 1960 Olympic athletes such as Cassius Clay (who later became Muhammad Ali), she became an international star due to the first international television coverage of the Olympics that year.

Wilma Rudolph


Who is famous for saying on their award winning talk show, "You get a car, you get a car!"

Oprah Winfrey


What day is International Women's Day? 

March 8


At six years old, she was the first African American child to integrate schools in Louisiana. On her first day, she and her mother, escorted by U.S. Marshals, endured taunts and threats as she approached Johnson Lockett Elementary in New Orleans. Only one white teacher was willing to teach her, and she was the only child in her kindergarten class due to racism. She was unable to eat lunch in the cafeteria or go to recess alone because of the danger of violence toward her. Ruby Bridges never missed a day of school. Who is she?

Ruby Bridges


Which member of Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority, Inc. was the first African American woman who wrote and presented a poem at a Presidential Inauguration and has published over 30 bestselling titles?

Who is Maya Angelou


Who made the first United States flag?

Betsy Ross


Who said "Bringing the gifts that my ancestors gave, I am the dream and the hope of the slave. I rise I rise I rise."?

Who is Maya Angelou?


What year did Women's History Day begin being observed? (Hint: It's an important year for AKA too!)



Influenced by her parents, this woman pursued a musical education at Antioch College in Yellow Springs, Ohio. She encountered discrimination and segregation during her studies, which prompted her to join the local NAACP chapter. In 1953, she married Martin Luther King Jr., and suddenly was at the forefront of the MCRM. She continued her quest for civil rights, in the United States and internationally, while being a supportive wife and mother. After her husband's assassination in 1965, she continued her legacy (and his) for civil rights by founding the MLK Jr. Center for Nonviolent Social Change.

Corretta Scott King


What famous member of Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority Inc. is known for her roles in Waiting to Exhale, For Colored Girls, This Christmas, and a plethora of other films and shows?

Who is Loretta Devine


Which author became the first African-American woman to win the Nobel Prize for literature. (Hint: Her resume includes "Sula" and "The Bluest Eye" and she is a member of Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority, Inc.)

Who is Toni Morrison


"We do not need magic to change the world, we carry all the power we need inside ourselves already: we have the power to imagine better." (Hint: She wrote the Harry Potter books)

J.K. Rowling 

True or False: Women's history month began as just one day, then grew to one week, and is now recognized as a whole month. 



Who was an African-American woman whose cancer cells are the source of the HeLa cell line, the first immortalized human cell line and one of the most important cell lines in medical research.

Henrietta Lacks


Which well known member of Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority Inc. graduated from Howard University and is well known for her infamous role as a TV Sitcom mother? (Hint: The Cosby Show)

Who is Phylicia Rashad