Rose Pruiksma uses this method of transportation for her 4-hour commute to UNH.
This colorfully named species is the smallest type of penguin.
Little Blue
This animal is the star of the "this is fine" meme.
A dog
#1 in the Beast of the East flipbook, this is the official title of the UNH fight song.
On to Victory
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This method of transportation would be very useful to have in the music wing.
This kind of penguin, found at the New England Aquarium, has long yellow "eyelashes."
This animal is dat boi
A classic at all pep band games, this tune that occupies spot #67-4 stands out for its strong dynamic contrast.
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Nic Orovich broke his ribs last summer while using this form of transportation.
Rachel Kaufman owns this many plushie penguins.
The "big brain time" meme features this person.
This tune, #10 in the flipbook, is played before every game; it was originally performed by the band Steppenwolf.
Born To Be Wild
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This method of transportation was used by David Ripley in his early 20s as he traveled the country with his guitar and met all sorts of interesting characters.
Bonded gay penguins in zoos don't have their own eggs; instead, they have been observed trying to hatch these objects.
"Success kid" is _____ years old now.
Originally composed by Richard Strauss, this piece (#5) is featured at every hockey game and is perhaps best known for its use in the film 2001: A Space Odyssey.
Also Sprach Zarathustra
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Professor of Music History Robert W. Eshbach prefers this method of transportation.
The lifespan of an Emperor Penguin is around this many years.
This Lord of the Rings character is depicted in the "One does not simply walk into Mordor" meme.
A more recent addition to the pep band repertoire (#45B) is this tune, which in July 2019 was played on loop all night by officials in West Palm Beach, Florida at the Waterfront Lake Pavilion to deter vagrants.
Baby Shark
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