This is the year Alpha Sigma Tau was founded.
What is 1899?
there are the offical colors of AST
Emerald green and gold
what gpa must you have to be in good standing with the soroity
GPA 2.5
Our Heavenly Father, we thank thee for the privilege of meeting here as a group of _______. We are grateful for all our _______ blessings but especially do we thank thee for _______ and for these _______ who are more than _______. May the lives of all with whom we come in contact be a little _______ and _______ because of us. Help us to grow in _______ and worthiness in thy sight. Let our hearts be freed from all _______ and _______ and filled with _______ _______. Grant that we may have a spirit of loyal _______ within our group and give us the _______ to practice the _______ of Alpha Sigma Tau in our daily lives.
sisters, temporal, friends, sisters, friends, grace, malice, pettiness, loving kindness, friendship, strength, ideals
what is my favorite animal
sea turtle
Alpha Sigma Tau was founded at this university.
Ypsilanti, Michigan at Michigan State Normal College (Eastern Michigan University)
what is the official Flower of AST
Yellow T Rose
If you are not in good standing what cant you do
hold a position and vote
As a member of Alpha Sigma Tau,
I believe in the _______ and _______ of its ideals.
I believe in the values of _______ and _______ to purpose.
I believe in the fulfillment of _______ and will strive to contribute my share to the progress of _______.
I believe in cultivating _______ of spirit and _______ of living in all my contacts with others.
I believe that _______ to these ideals will help to live _______ and _______.
permanence, loveliness, friendship, fidelity, self, humankind, beauty, graciousness, faithfulness, joyously, and valiantly
what was my childhood fav show
full house, jersey shore
The four core values of AST are...
Graciousness, Respect, Intellect, and Connections?
what jewel is the official AST Jewel
the pearl
when does the national convention get held
every 2 years
To be glad of life because it gives you the chance to ________ and to ________ and to ________ and to look up at the ________ - to be satisfied with your ________ but not content with yourself until you have made the best of them - to despise nothing in the world except ________ and ________, and to fear nothing except ________ - to be governed by your ________ rather than by your ________ – to covet nothing that is your neighbor’s except his ________ of heart and ________ of manners – to think seldom of your ________, often of your ________, and every day of _______; and to spend as much time as you can with body and with spirit, in ________ out-of doors – these are the little ________ on the footpaths to peace.
Love, work, play, stars, possessions, falsehood, and meaness, cowardice, admirations, disgusts, enemies, friends, christ, gods, guideposts
what is my middle name
all 8 founding sisters
Harriet Marx, Helene Rice, Adriance Rice, Mabel Chase, Mayene Tracey, May Gephardt, Eva O'Keefe, Ruth Dutcher
the anchor
who is the current national President
Jamie Jones Miller
Psi Chapter at james madison university
Life’s gray shadows may creep o’er us,
Sad our hearts and _______________,
But with thee our fond tho’t lingers,
___________ and gold!
Dear old Alpha Sigma Tau,
Glory be to ____,
May we ever live to honor,
Thy dear _________________.
Tho’ our lot be high or lowly,
Be it _______________ or woe,
Bound by ties that naught can sever,
We will _____________ go!
Dear old Alpha Sigma Tau,
Tho’ we’re far from ____,
Still our hearts beat warm and true to
Thy dear ________________.
old, emerald, thee, memory, weal, onward, thee, memory.
what is my brothers name
Who are the three founding advisors of Alpha Sigma Tau
Effie Lyman, Ada A. Norton, Abigail Pearce
What symbols are on the crest
A crown, a book, 6 stars, an anchor, A candle with spreading rays
ALL members may wear letters but they may not wear the crest
Where is our national headquarters?
insianaoplis indiana
Whatsoever things are ________,
Whatsoever things are ________,
Whatsoever things are ________,
Whatsoever things are ________,
Whatsoever things are ________,
Whatsoever things are ________,
If there be any ________, and if there be any ________,
Think on these ________.
true, honest, just, pure, lovely, of good report, praise , things
if you can spell and say my last name correctly