This color has three (3) letters. It has "r" and "d".
Answer: red
How many letters does "rainy" have?
Answer: 5 letters
A stationery item that has three (3) letters. What's this?
Answer: pen
This word starts with letter "j". It has 5 letters. What is this? page 22
Answer: juice
I have four letters. I have letter "T" and "X". Who am I?
Answer: TAXI
"Blue" has how many letters?
Answer: 4 letters
How many letter "n" does sunny have?
Answer: 2 letters
It has two "r"s, two "e"s and two "s"s. Can you guess?
rr ee ss
Answer: erasers
What food that has two "p"s and two "o" s. It has 7 letters.
Answer: popcorn
I have two words. I have two "o"s, two "f"s and two " e"s. Who am I?
How many "p"s does purple have?
Answer: 2
It has "o", "u" and "y" in it. It has one "c", too. What weather is this? c_ou_y
Answer: cloudy
It has two words. The first word has 4 letters and the second word has 5 letters.
Answer: glue stick
4 5
It has two words. One word has "ice" in it. What word is this?
Answer: ice cream
Who am I? My word starts with "Su". I have 11 letters. I have two "e"s and an "m".
Answer: Supermarket
How many letters does "ORANGE" color have?
Answer: 6 letters
It's cold. This weather has 5 letter words. Can you guess?
Answer: snowy
How many "A" does the word "CALENDAR" have?
Answer: Two (2) CALENDAR
How many letters does "ice cream" have?
Answer: 8 letters
How many letters does "library" have?
Answer: 7 letters
This color has "e" and "w". What color is this?
Answer: white
You use it when it is raining. It has 8 letters. It has two "l" s. It starts with letter "U". What's this?
Answer: umbrella
How many letters do the word pencil sharpeners have?
Answer: 16 letters
How many letter "i" does the word juice have?
Answer: 1
I have four letters. I have "W" in my word. You can see me on tv. Can you guess?
Answer: NEWS