tactical level of warfare
where the conduct of battles and engagements seeks to achieve military objectives assigned to JFC's and subordinate units.
Top Competition Continuum
Armed Conflict/War
What is the NSC? (National Security Council)
Responsible for National Security Effects.
Navy and Marines Core Values
Honor, Courage and Commitment
Commanders Intent
Commanders direct what and why; subordinate commanders devise how. Subordinate commanders should be appropriately resources, empowered, and provided with guidance and intent that directs what to do, why do it, and general guidelines for the activity
levels of warfare
conventional and irregular:
strategic, operational and tactical
AF Core Mission
achieve/maintain superiority, ISR, Rapid global mobility, Global strike, command and control
Operational Chain of Command
Secretary of Defense
Commanders of Combatant Commands
individuals in the Air Force who are assigned to specific organizations and are prepared to execute airpower methodologies in contested environments. They possess the knowledge, skills, and abilities required to survive, operate, and succeed across a range of military operations, either at home station or deployed.
1-5 Amendments
1)Freedom of Religion, Speech, and the Press
2)The Right to Bear Arms
3)The Housing of Soldiers
4)Protection from Unreasonable Searches and Seizures
5)Protection of Rights to Life, Liberty, and Property
examples of DIME
law enforcement
Proactive and reactive operational scheme of maneuver executed within threat timelines to increase resiliency and survivability while generating combat power.
Joint Chiefs of Staff
Vice Chairman
Chief of Staff of the Army
Chief of Naval Operations
Chief of Staff of the Air Force
Commandant of the Marine Corps
Chief of the National Guard Bureau
Chief of Space Operations
The chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff also acts as the chief military advisor to the president and the secretary of defense.
ACE (Agile Combat Employment) is an operational concept that supports joint all-domain operations (JADO)24. Joint force operations are increasingly interconnected, interdependent, and challenged. ACE enhances airpower resilience through integration and interoperability with joint and allied forces5
6-10 Amendments
6) rights of Accused Persons in Criminal Cases
7)Rights in Civil Cases
8)Excessive Bail, Fines, and Punishments Forbidden
9)Other Rights Kept by the People
10)Undelegated Powers Kept by the States and the People
Steps of Joint Planning Process
1) planning
2) mission analysis
3) COA development
4) COA analysis
5) COA comparison
6) COA approval
7) Plan or order development
Mission Command
Provides commanders intent, shared understanding, exercise discipline, build teams and accept prudent risks.
Joint Force
A joint force is a force composed of significant elements from two or more military departments operating under a single Joint Force Commander (JFC)1. It is able to draw on the strengths of all services while compensating for potential weaknesses and avoiding duplicate efforts
NCO and Servant Leader
Disciplined and devoted professionals, they follow orders and faithfully carry out responsibilities while ensuring that they themselves, and the men and women in their charge, comply with all laws and regulations and exercise sound moral reasoning to ensure high ethical conduct.
Joint Ops of Each Branch
Army-ground forces
Navy controlling the seas
Air Force handling aerial operations
Marine Corps serving as a versatile expeditionary force.
Coast Guard maritime security, search and rescue support, and law enforcement efforts coordinated with other military branches.
Space Force collaborates with other branches of the military by providing satellite communications, intelligence, and space-based capabilities to support joint operations on land, sea, and air.
Principles of JADO
mission command
info sharing
multi-domain planning
risk identification
synergistic effect
SecDef Does?
principal assistant to President in all matters in relation to DOD.
All functions in DOD and its component agencies are performed under the authority, direction, and control of SecDef.
Where are the combatant commands located?
Indo- Pacific
Special Ops
Oath of Enlistment
"I (state full name), Do solemnly swear (or affirm) that I will support and defend the Constitution of the United States against all enemies, foreign and domestic; that I will bear true faith and allegiance to the same; and that I will obey the orders of the President of the United States and the orders of the officers appointed over me, according to regulations and the Uniform Code of Military Justice. So help me God."
Profession of Arms
defines our service as a higher calling. In which we hold ourselves to higher standards. We abide by a code of conduct that demonstrates our Air Force core values, serves as our compass, and provides the fortified foundation of our service. The Airman's Creed highlights the strength of our airmen who flight fight and win as one.
Warrior Ethos- forms foundation of what it means to be an airman. Hardiness of spirit as well as moral and physical courage. Instills combat mindset and emphasizes that every airman is part of the fight regardless of their career field or what capacity they serve.