Basic Phys
Altitude at SubMax Exercise
Everest and the Olympics
VO2 max

What effect does increasing altitude have on barometric pressure?

Barametric Pressure decreases


What factors increase to compensate for decline in partial pressure of O2 in arterials during submax exercise?

Ventilation, heart rate, cardiac output, aerobic metabolism, lactate


Why did physiologists think in the late-1960’s that it was not possible to summit Mount Everest without supplemental oxygen?

No one had ever completed it before and when they did a sample calculations using the barometric pressure at the summit of Everest, the VO2 max would be less than 5 ml/kg/min


What happens to RBC and hemoglobin concentration with altitude acclimatization?



Why do effects of altitude on VO2 max vary between individuals?

Due to the degree of saturation of hemoglobin


How does decreased barometric pressure affect partial pressure of O2 in alveoli?

It is decreased because there is less O2 to take in, therefore lowering O2 in alevoli 


What factors decrease to compensate for decline in partial pressure of O2 in arterials during submax exercise?

Plasma volume


What happened in 1978?

Messner and Habeier were the first people to reach the summit of Everest without O2 slay


What effects does having more hemoglobin have when acclimatized to altitude?

The O2 carrying capacity is elevated which counters to desaturation caused by a lower PO2


Why could VO2 potentially improve when training at high altitudes?

Individuals can become acclimatized to it (more RBC hemoglobin)


What is the concentration of O2 at sea level versus at high altitudes?

Both 20.93%, does not change with increasing altitudes, only barometric pressure does


What happens to the proportion of RBC during submax exercise at high altitudes?

Increased proportion of RBC


Which athletic events (based on intensity/duration) would be the most negatively impacted by altitude (and why)?

Long races like the marathon because at high altitudes there is a compromised ability to cirrculate O2 to the needed muscles


What happens to O2 saturation when acclimatized to altitude and why does this happen?

Greater O2 due to an increase in blood flow to the lungs because of an increase in nitic oxide causing vasodilation


Why might VO2 max decrease when training at altitudes?

You cannot train as intensely at high altitudes which could cause some detraining effects and therefore lower VO2 max


What impact does decreased partial pressure of O2 in arteiral blood have on the potential to saturate hemoglobin?

Hemoglobin is less saturated because not as much O2 in the blood


What happens to VO2 max at high altitudes?

Declines with a decline in PO2 and also decreased HR max at high altitudes


Are there events in which moderate altitude may aid performance?

Long Jump: Bob Beamon set record

Short Sprints: less air resistance


Lifetime residents tend to have more complete....

arterial O2 content and VO2 max


What is Live High, Train Low?

literally what it says, live at high elevations and train at low elevations


What impact does lower hemoglobin stauration have on the supply to skeltal muscles during exercise?

Cannot supply as much blood to the working muscles, so cannot train as intensely 


How much of an effect a decreased VO2 max have at moderate altitudes (i.e. 7000’ of elevation); how much of an effect does this have at extreme elevations (i.e. Everest summit, 20,035’)?

The higher the altitude, the lower to VO2 max because the barometric pressure is so low at extreme altitudes


What types of athletes did well when performing at high altitudes?

Individuals who were living and training in higher elevations because they were acclimatized


What happens to muscle fiber area and total muscle density with acclimatization to altitudes?



Why might live high, train low be useful for maximizing training adaptions in some athletes?

Living at high altitudes higheres RBC and hemoglobin counts leading to a higher VO2 max, while also being able to train at high intensities