Pineapples are the only widely eaten of the bromeliads--a family of 3,000 species; like others, they aren't grown from seed, but by planting the top leafy structure, called this
a crown
The Wicked Witch of the West
Harvestmen, crane flies & cellar spiders are all known by this nickname
daddy longlegs
The games or series of games that get 4 competitors down to the last 2
Emotion of a lover fearing infidelity; the ancient "wisdom of Solomon" says "the ear of" it "heareth all things"
Pineapple cultivation needs relatively little irrigation; with its reservoir formed in the leaves, the plant is a natural xerophyte--from the Greek "xeros", meaning this
Joffrey on "Game of Thrones"
"Better ingredients. Better pizza" is an ad slogan for this chain
Papa John's
This synonym for "choice" can precede "energy" & "medicine"
Punning on a sports drink, it's what those driven by loathing are "drinking"
The pineapple shoots that grow from the mother plants after the main harvest are called the ratoon crop--also the Hawaiian term for a baby born to late-in-life parents, the word is thought to be from the Latin for this season
Kate Mara's Zoe Barnes on "House of Cards"
hit by a subway train
The name of this caramel lollipop was meant to suggest a wealth of sweetness
a Sugar Daddy
Scott Fahlman of Carnegie Mellon U. has been called the father of these, which add feeling to your emails
If you've seen Lewis Black do stand-up, you'll know why he was cast as the voice of this emotion in "Inside Out"
The material that's laid down where pineapples are planted keeps weeds off, retains warmth, & keeps moisture in; though it's a strip of plastic rather than organic material, it's called this
Brian Griffin, the dog on "Family Guy"
hit by a car
A spirit known as a loa, Papa Legba is a gatekeeper & a master communicator in this religion practiced in Haiti
From Greek for "drinking party", it's a meeting or conference for discussion of a topic
In the book "Take" this, Jessica Tracy says this sense of self-worth has led to many great accomplishments
Whether grown in Africa or here in Hawaii, pineapples have eight spirals in one direction and 13 in the other--one example where nature shows the number sequence named for this Italian mathematician
The treacherous Godfrey in "Robin Hood"
an arrow
Burl Ives played Big Daddy in the Broadway & film versions of this Tennessee Williams play
Cat on a Hot Tin Roof
"More bigger" is an example of the grammatically forbidden double type of this form
A 2014 study trims the list of the traditional 6 basic emotions--it combines fear & this other one with eyebrows raised