The inhabitants of the hidden city of Ain Sidhe belong to this elven subrace.
What are Wood Elves?
The party’s first barkeep and Rebel Army contact went by this name, running a dive bar in Duram known as the Seaman’s Shack.
Who is Captain Sullivan?
This is the name of the town where the party battled Lai Wen and the Red Hawk Company, and where Valeria lost her life.
What is Tyria?
Often used as gates between the planes, this is the name of the ancient, magical trees that are scattered across Myrr.
What are Truehallow Trees?
This is the name of the dense coniferous woodland that covers the province of Toronia.
What is the Wolfskin Wood?
While the name of his race is unknown, the Hargothian banker Mr Frutherton resembled a finely-dressed specimen of this small animal.
What is a frog?
When Gra’agta attempted to send a letter north to Loralana, little did the party know they would make the acquaintance of this poor courier.
Who is Tagin?
The imposing Fosse Garrison and the resplendent Chapel Celestine du Eglisciel reside within this northern city.
What is Hargoth?
Often described as being bound by iron chains to his bleak throne, this is the name of the King of Hell.
Who is Azellion?
Towering over the city of Ain Sidhe, it was beneath this massive mountain that the party found the Vault of the Forgotten Mage, along with the archdevil Raev.
What is Mount Aiwenor?
The indigenous population of the Rayan Isles, the homeland of a captain the party once sailed north with, is made up of this race.
What are Tabaxi?
The party earned the favour of the north’s most powerful circle of druids by reviving this archdruid after the violent outburst at the trial in Custodia.
Who is Akiak the Gentle?
The party once liberated this coastal city from the terror of both an ancient revenant and a hungry cyclops in the span of a weekend.
What is Circi?
In Altor's cosmography, the Shadow Plane is a combination of two planes from 5th Edition D&D, the Shadowfel and this transitory plane.
What is the Ethereal Plane?
This is the largest and most central lake in Altor, sharing its name with a coastal Cathinain city.
What is Lake Hargoth?
Besides Azar and Bra’vaan, the group has only ever encountered one other genasi, with Ameral Van’Bouduin of the Pax Custodas being of this elemental variety.
What is Air?
When the party made their unwitting alliance with the Shedevil in Ain Sidhe, she was disguised as an elf and using this fake name.
What is Cynila?
Before being renamed Morningside Manor, the party’s home base in Moira went by this similar name.
What is Merrywind Manor?
The combination of Neadin, Dui'Heaga, and Triana (Heaven, Hell, and the Feywild, respectively) make up this plane, meaning Land of Youth.
What is Tir Na Nog?
The treaty that ended the first Imperial war is named for this mountain range that bisects the province of Duram.
What is the Carain Range?
The party has visited not just one, but two taverns kept by members of this bovine race, going so far in one case as to start a gunfight on the barroom floor.
What are Fir Bolgs?
While searching for Amelia Volstrom in the city of Hargoth, the party made contact with a mysterious group known as the Pathmen, and spoke with this furtive individual for information.
Who is Tam?
This town was the first Cathinian settlement that the party entered, after a long and treacherous journey from Toronia.
What is Lanchez?
The cosmic soup that exists outside of Altor's multiplane is known as this.
What is the Chaos?
The province of Toronia punishes criminals by sending outlaws to this chain of barren islands.
What are the Skarvaer Isles?