Experience Joy of Disciple Making
- Improve Your Skills
By Asking Questions
Unleash the Power of Gods Word
Illustrating Key Points
Teaching With Enthusiasm
Showing Empathy
Reach the heart
Experience the Joy of Disciple Making
-Accept Jehovah’s Help
Research Tools
Accept Jehovah’s Help
-Our Brothers
Accept Jehovah’s Help
- Prayer

Experts enjoy their job and enjoy training others.

There is a direct correlation between joy and —————



What scripture highlights the reason why we use our number one tool, the Bible?

Heb 4:12 says
The word of God is alive and exerts power and is sharper than any two-edged sword and pierces even to the dividing of soul and spirit.....


Why do we need illustrations in our disciple making?

We need illustrations because the Master Teacher Jesus used them all the time.

 “Indeed, without an illustration he would not speak to them...” 

Matthew 13:34


What illustration was used to imagine how we could be excited about good news?

Isaiah 52:7 good news of something better 

Imagine a virus... a worldwide pandemic.

 There is fear and panic everywhere, but what if we found a cure?


what is empathy?

Empathy is the ability to understand someone’s thinking, feelings, concerns, and anxieties.


For anyone to become a servant of Jehovah, they must have _____ _______deeply implanted in their heart.

Gods word


What scripture is used to remind us that Jehovah allows us to be fellow workers with him in this “Great Commission”?

1 Cor 3:9 


What scripture talks about our brotherhood being a gift from Jehovah?

1 Peter 5:9


Who said “Hear O Jehovah, .... become my helper”?



What kind of questions are effective in making disciples?

Viewpoint questions


If working in service with Jehovah ...........?

If working in service with Jehovah, would you do all the talking?


How can we make our illustrations more effective ?

3 ways 

We can use familiar situations 

make them realistic 

make them appealing by using people in them 


Romans 12:11 says “be aglow with the spirit” 

what does that mean ?

where do we get this enthusiasm?

It means we are not apathetic, rather we are boiling with enthusiasm.
This means we need a constant flow of Holy Spirit.
Holy Spirit is the heat source that keeps us boiling. 


Is the word empathy found in the Bible? 

if yes where?

if no what word is used instead?

No the word empathy is not found in the Bible

fellow feeling


In Matthew 13:19, in the illustration about the sower,

the “word of the kingdom“ is likened to seeds

and the soil to the figurative   —————.

what does that represent?


it represents what a person is inside

It involves his feelings, his affections, his desires, his motives also his thinking and how that affects his decision making.


In using research tools, who should we ask for help if we find it challenging?

Of course Jehovah .... but yes young people!


Paul was a hard worker and diligent, but did not work alone.
What 4 other people did he worked and preach with?

Paul and Timothy

Paul and Silas

Paul worked Aquila and Priscilla or Prisca


Revelation 14:6
Jehovah provides what to support the work?

He provides his Holy Angels 


Ask questions people will ————— answering.



Explain the illustration between manual tools and power tools?

Can u give 3 tool examples?

Power tools save time and energy 

 a power nailer can nail down scriptural  points

 a power driller can penetrate into the heart

 a power sander strips away old thinking revealing who we really are


Use ————— illustrations to explain complicated 


use —————— things to explain big things

Have a really good —————— to use an illustration





Ezra 7:10 says we need to prepare our heart.

How does the illustration of cooking with an electric blender fit into generating enthusiasm for our students?

When we study for our student’s lesson in advance,

meditate on how it will affect our student personally,

we can become enthusiastic in our teaching.


If we are empathetic with our Bible students :
we will ask and then _________ 

We will be patient, we won’t jump in, we will allow time for them to think and respond.

We will ——————— them which can encourage them

We will avoid superficial —————— but tailor counsel  from publications.We will explain not pressure

Best changes always come from —————— not outside






What scripture says “ My son, do not forget my teaching, and may your heart observe my commandments” ?

___________ to God has to come from the heart.

Prov 3:1



Name 4 research tools that have been provided?

Where can we find online tutorials?

WT Library, JW library App, WT Online Library, and Research Guide

Go to JW.ORG, scroll to bottom of any page,click on JW library and then u can find any tutorials 


How many years did Paul work with Timothy ?

How many times do we see Paul and Silas mentioned in the Bible?

14 years 



What happened regarding Peter and Cornelius? 

They were both praying same time and Jehovah answered their prayers.


Ask a question and then listen.

When we don’t listen it’s like asking a friend to ..........

It is like asking a friend to meet you and then you don’t you show up.


video: What did Jade say after being asked to read the scripture out loud?

“You don’t know what it says?”


What is this illustration about?

When you go shopping you never pay full price for 

damaged goods, yet .....

Yet Jehovah paid full price with his son for us damaged people.


Meditation is the ________ (kitchen tool)

Meditation stirs and prepares the _______

 Meditation includes questions ...how will this really 

 ——————— my student. 





In what three ways is empathy shown?

How was this demonstrated in the video?

Empathy is shown by being observant, a good listener and offering practical assistance.

Nita noticed Jade was unstructured, unscheduled and very busy.... she ordered her food before study 

Nita listened to Jade when she talked about being  “super stressed, cant focus, can’t breathe”

Nita offered practical help with organizing her place.


In the video, how does Nita answer the question 

“why would Jehovah make a rule like that, isn’t it totally archaic?” 

and what scripture and illustration did she use to reason with Jade? 

“ It might seem odd, but what quality do you most 

appreciate about Jehovah? So if he truly loves us, look at what he tells us at Isaiah 48:17 Jehovah is teaching us to benefit ourselves ....

does a little child always understand why parents warm them not to do certain things? Rules because they love him


2 Tim 3:16  In other translation, says ..........?

“The Bible is useful for resetting the direction of a mans life “


Acts 18:4 Apollos accepted help from whom?

And why was this significant?

Apollo’s although being well versed and eloquent but had gaps of understanding and needed help.
 He accepted help from this humble tent maker couple Aquila and Priscilla.


Pray ————  our students and ——— our students.

Pray with our students and for our students


What do we see about Nita and Jades’ lives in the beginning of the video?

What did Jade first say to Nita?

When Nita asked Jade her name, what did Nita say?

 What truth and what scripture did Nita share ?

The video shows the life differences of Nita and Jade -peaceful versus stressed

“Yo, give me a truth. Your sign says  “learn Bible Truths, so I assume you are here to share such truths. So share one.”

no... like I‘m jaded

You can live forever on earth. Rev 21:3,4


In the video: after Jade says she is “not the churchy type but I am about promises”

 How does Nita introduce the Bible?

What scripture does she use?

Do you remember the question Jade asks at the end? “ How .......

discussing scripture? 

Well, if these are Gods promises, wouldn’t it make sense to go to his Word to find out how to enjoy them?

John 17:3 

“How can you get to know something you’re not even sure exists?”


In the video: Nita is explaining Romans 5:12

what illustration does she use after Jade says 

“ what does that have to do with me? I die because he is stupid”?

Then what does Nita do after the illustration 

“ to put it all together”?

When parents with a severe genetic defect have children, the kids inherit it.
So when Adam sinned, that sin became like a genetic defect that caused sickness, aging and death since we are all his children.

Nita then shows a video “to put it all together”


In the video: Nita is discouraged because Jade keeps canceling. It is our continued enthusiasm that can keep a student interested and motivate them to act. It’s circular ....

How does her roommate remind her of maintaining enthusiasm ?

What does Nita do to generate enthusiasm at end of the video?

Nitas roommate reminded Nita that Jade is still open to studying and that she shouldn’t allow little things to drain her enthusiasm. No study is perfect. Focus on the effort Jade is putting forth

 Nita commends Jade ... “ I love our chats and I appreciate all your questions .You are a deep thinker and it’s good for both of us”


Empathy is not a technique but a _______ that springs
from the ______, it comes out in our words, actions, 

our ————— expressions, our g——————— and our 

———— language.



facial expressions


body language 


Prov 20:5 says thoughts like deep waters need to be drawn out. 

Nita, when confronted with Jade’s ‘archaic’ response, remained———— , watched her ———— of speech and used effective questions to reason with Jade.

What type of effective questions can help our student to link or connect the dots of what they are learning —to their relationship with Jehovah and to the decisions they make?



Questions with Why, How and What

Ex: Why would Jehovah forbid this action?

How does this show you that Jehovah is a loving father ?

How do u feel about this?


In the video, what does Jade object to  ...referring to a  “what, like he has lil workshop up there?”

How does Nita answer the objection?

’Friendship with God? I can’t see him. Is there a lil workshop up there? All things evolve- it’s all random’

Nita tailors her research and answers the real question -how can I get to know someone I can’t see?

Establishes the positive, using what creation says about Jehovah versus evolution that obscures Jehovah. 


In the video, Nita does what to encourage Jade to attend meetings?

How does her roommate help?

With what results?

Nita offers an invitation and shows the KH video 

Roommate suggests taking other people on study

Nita brings several sisters and Jade connects with an older sister


What happened in the video regarding prayer?

And what happened later in the video?

Nita suggested Jade study ahead of time, which sparked a negative remark

 Later, Jade tried to apologize and then agreed to let Nita show her how she studies