Asking Questions
Unleashing the Power of God's Word
Illustrating Key Points and
Teaching with Enthusiasm
Showing Empathy
Reaching the Heart

This type of question, while effective, requires no verbal response.

What is a rhetorical question?


At Hebrews 4:12 we learn that the sharpest of these weapons is dull compared to Jehovah's word.

What is a two-edged sword?


At the start of his ministry, this enthusiastic 1st century christian was eloquent but needed help, being acquainted only with the baptism of John.

Who is Apollos?


While empathy is not mentioned specifically in the Bible, it is exemplified by this "golden" command that you can find quoted at Matthew 22:39.

What is "you must love your neighbor as yourself"?


We need to help our students understand that this is the most important motivation they should have to be obedient.

What is love of Jehovah.


This type of question helps us see things our student's perspective.

What is a viewpoint question?


Using these three words, Jesus repeatedly prefaced his unleashing of God's word when tempted by Satan.

What is "it is written"?


Brother Splaine quoted a sister who used an illustration about paying full price for damaged goods. This illustration was well suited to her audience because it contained many of these special full time servants.

Who are bethelites?


With these three words, Jesus showed great empathy for a leper in Galilee.

What are "I want to"?


According to Proverbs 20:5, I am able to to draw out the thoughts of a man's heart even though they are like "deep waters."

Who is "the discerning man"?


According to James 1:19, we need to be slow AND quick about these things respectively, especially after we ask a question.

What are speaking and listening?


50 miles south of this modern city lies physical evidence of the fulfillment of a prophecy found in Isaiah.

What is Baghdad?


At Romans 12:11 enthusiasm is encouraged when we are told to be this, reminiscent of a firefly.

What is "aglow with the spirit"?


At Zechariah 2:8 we see evidence of Jehovah's empathy when he compares those hurting his people to someone touching this part of his eye.

What is the pupil?

We want to make sure we help our students to avoid this "fractional" condition of the heart, described at Psalm 119:113.

What is "halfhearted"?


Avoiding this type of question will allow us to better understand our Bible student's feelings.

What is "yes or no"?


This verse contains a very simple but powerful argument in favor of creation, a favorite among contractors.

What is Hebrews 3:4?


In order to teach with enthusiasm, we must do this, as Ezra did before he 'consulted the law of of Jehovah, to do it and to teach in Israel.'  

What is 'prepare our heart'?


This human relationship is used by Paul at 1 Thessalonians 2:7 to illustrate his empathy for those in the congregation.

What is a nursing mother caring for her children?


Brother Flodine told us we need to help our bible students to do this, a technical computer term, to get what we have taught them from their mind to their heart.

What is "download"?


At Matthew 22:41-45, Jesus used this many questions to help his listeners reason on the true meaning of a prophecy found in the Psalms.

What is 4?


At Isaiah 14:23, it was prophesied that Babylon would never be rebuilt and that it would suffer a "cleaning" using this figurative implement.

What is "the broom of annihilation"?


This son of Judge Gideon used trees to illustrate the wicked rule of Abimelech, who he described at "the bramble".  

Who was Jotham?


Translated "pity" at Matthew 9:37, this Greek word that highlights Jesus' empathy is related to the Greek word for these internal organs.

What are the intestines?


When attempting to reach the heart, we may end up even deeper, figuratively reaching these internal organs.

What are the kidneys?