Favourite style of dance
Ballet and/or point
what age did I start dancing
what church do I go to
Holy Family Cathedral or Holy Spirit
what do I want to be my big girl job
grade 3 elementary French catholic teacher
how tall am I
Favourite food
Alfredo pasta or sushi
how many times did I dance at Disney world
favourite animal
how many kids do I want
what are the names of my headphones
Tony the Sony
Favourite candy
peach rings, nerd clusters or live wires
age 8
double double or iced Capp
would I rather be a stay at home mom, or make my own money to shop to spoil my kids and husband
stay at home
what's the name of my car
the mother Mary mobile
favourite movie genre
romance and comedy
what elementary school in VANCOUVER did I attend
Our Lady of Fatima
do I prefer going out or staying in
where is the one place I so desperately want to travel to
Europe (Greece, Italy, Rome)
Sirius Black
Favourite Saint
Saint. Faustina
What age did I get baptized, extra 50 points if you know the date
age 1, march 19th 2006
who do I want to marry
Kolbe Mase
name my stuffed animals (2)
wo-wof and roger