August 19
What is Alyssa's birthday
Spaghetti/Pasta in general
What is favorite food
In this year Alyssa graduated highschool
What is 2013
she played this sport during her senior year
what is badminton?
What is Alyssa's Chinese Zodiac sign
What is least favorite food?
she started school this year.
what is 2013!!!!
She played this sport for leisure outside school
what is flag football?
What is Alyssa's weight?
Alyssa likes to eat this when she's drunk
what is carne asada Fries?
Alyssa graduated with this degree. MUST SAY CORRECT FULL MAJOR.
she goes to this gym
what is planet fitness
Alyssa wears this on her wrist to work everyday.
what is a watch?
what is a chicken teriyaki bowl?
Alyssa took this many years to to Get her B.A
What is 7 YEARS!!!!!!! :((
She practiced this dance trend between 2017/2018
what is shuffling
This is alyssa's car year make/model
what is a Toyota corolla 2009
This is her preferred chip
What is hot cheetoes
Cross Cultural Competency
What is competency certification did Alyssa Completed in College?
she likes to do all of these for fun or when she has time
What is hiking, what is drinking, what is bowling, what is gyming,