All About Me
Teaching Philosophy
Classroom Management
Lesson Plans/Differentiation
Assessment/Data Collection

What current job title do I have?

Preschool disabilities teacher at North Dover Elementary School


Why do I teach?

To encourage a love of lifetime learning, enrich the lives of students, and make 180 days count every year


When is the best time to start classroom management?

Before the students even arrive - create an environment they want to learn in and that they want to respect (lead them in the right direction)


Why should lessons be differentiated?

Because all students have unique strengths that power their learning and attention to lessons, and all students deserve to experience an appropriate classroom learning environment


What is the difference between formative and summative assessments?

Formative - monitor student learning and provide quick feedback

Summative - evaluate student learning and collect data on academic progress


What degrees/certifications do I currently hold?

P-3, K-6, TSD, and psychology


How do I encourage active participation and trust?

Through engaging students and building rapport


How can I demonstrate classroom management?

Through active leadership, practice, and engagement


What drives specific differentiation?

Student interests, readiness, and learning preferences


Why is data collection important?

Measures effectiveness of teaching, identifies which strategies were most effective, improves student achievement

What is my favorite part about teaching?

"A-ha" moments: seeing the moment a light bulb goes on in a student's eyes, something becomes clear, and reflecting on these moments to create more


How do I grow as a professional?

Through overcoming limitations and learning new pedagogy


What is the most effective classroom management tool?

Consistency!  A predictable learning environment fosters appropriate behaviors


What are the four aspects of differentiation?

Content (what is learned), process (how it is learned), product (how knowledge is showed), an learning environment (where it is learned)


Why is data analysis important?

Identify trends/tendencies, make connections between different learned skills, make decisions based on proven information


What common sauce base did we name our new puppy after?



What contributes to effective learning?

A strong relationship between students, teachers, parents, school community, and environmental community


How do you prevent undesirable behaviors in the classroom?

Through consistent, positive reinforcement that fosters a safe environment for all learners


How do you create an engaging lesson plan?

By incorporating hands-on activities, technology, interactive conversations, and using a variety of materials/equipment


What should data be taken on?

IEP goals, behavior, whole group instruction, small group instruction, individual instruction, and social interactions


What substance, that is commonly used on a fried and braided dessert, am I deathly allergic to?



What are the three "it's" to learning?

See it, say it, try it


How do you intervene in undesirable behaviors?

Through direct and private conversations, behavioral data, and shared confidence between the student and all adults involved


What should be built into a lesson plan?

Planned differentiation, small groups (times with teacher and peers), modifications, accommodations, clear content and goals, assessments, and time for feedback

How do you take effective data?

Use a system that is easy, portable, and efficient

Collect throughout the day on a variety of skills, and analyze it daily to provide a clear path of data collection for the next day(s)