Am Echad Ashkenazi
Every shabbos Rabbi Goldstein gets thanked for...
Kickin' us off with Pesukei Dezimrah and Shachris
Meni's favorite meal of the week...
Seuda Shlisheit
On Shabbos we wear....
A Kapata - Long Jacket/Short Coat
Doda Victoria
Which Rabbi is mentioned every other week at Am Echad...
The Rebbe
Nina's dogs name....
Who in the Sephardic Minyan has the strongest handshake...
Chaim Gabbi
Shnizel Bechalach
Who is not handicapped yet parks in the handicapped spot...
Mr. President
How was Ester related to Mordechai...
She was the daughter of Avichail who was the uncle of Mordechai/Cousins
David Raccah's favorite song...
Hagbah and Gililah Hagbah and Gililah