The Harlem Renaissance
Harlem Renaissance Literature: Fill in the Blank
The Crucible: Who's Who
The Crucible: Big Ideas
The Catcher in the Rye: Holden's World
The Catcher in the Rye: A Novel of Symbols

Harlem is a neighborhood in this city

What is New York?


From Richard Wright, in a 1937 essay: "My ___________ education continued on my next job, which was portering in a clothing store"

What is Jim Crow?

The reverend of Salem

Who is Parris?


The hysteria and paranoia in Salem are meant to represent this "Scare" that took place through the 1950s

What is the Red Scare?


Holden is from this city

What is New York?


This clothing item represents Holden's desire to shut out the world

What is the red hunting hat?


The title of this play by Lorraine Hansberry comes from a line in a poem by Langston Hughes called "Harlem"

What is A Raisin in the Sun?


From Zora Neale Hurston: "I remember the very day that I became _______________"

What is colored?


The play's main antagonist

Who is Abigail Williams?

Playwright Arthur Miller admits that his parallel is not perfect because while in reality there were no witches in Salem, these people did exist in the 1950s 

What are communists?


The school Holden is kicked out of at the beginning of the novel

What is Pencey Prep?


Holden writes an essay for his roommate, Stradlater, praising this object, which belonged to his beloved dead brother

What is the baseball mitt?


Jim Crow laws led many African Americans to move from the rural south to the urban north during this period

What is the Great Migration?


From Langston Hughes: "My soul has grown deep like the ______________"

What are rivers?


The man who is depicted heroically because (spoiler alert) he decides to be hanged rather than make a false confession or sell out his friends

Who is John Proctor?

The questioning of Tituba at the end of the play's first act illustrates that this emotion can lead people to make untrue claims

What is fear?


These are Holden's three siblings

Who are D.B., Allie, and Phoebe?


Holden wants to visit this place because everything there stays the same, no matter how many times you go inside

What is the Museum of Natural History?


"Renaissance" means this in French

What is rebirth?


From Langston Hughes: "I, too, sing America. I am the _______________" (two words)

What is darker brother?


The witchcraft expert whose arrival in Salem sets the play's events in motion

Who is Reverend Hale?


Name the literary device: The Crucible is an ____________ for the "witch hunts" its author saw in his lifetime

What is allegory?


The sport played by the team Holden used to manage (hint: he lost their equipment)

What is fencing?


This physical feature of Holden's represents his status as a teenager––he is no longer a child, but is not yet an adult

What is his hair?


"How It Feels to Be Colored Me" is an essay by this famous writer of the era

Who is Zora Neale Hurston?


From Zora Neale Hurston: "No, I do not weep at the world. I am too busy sharpening my _____________." (2 words)

What is oyster knife?


The character who symbolizes Joseph McCarthy

Who is Governor Danforth?


In the Salem witch trials, this type of evidence was permitted; Miller used this as a parallel for baseless accusations of communism in the 1950s

What is spectral?


These are Holden's English teacher from Elkton Hills and his history teacher from Pencey Prep

Who are Mr. Antolini and Mr. Spencer?


Holden wants to call this childhood friend, who symbolizes innocence (and had a really weird checkers strategy), on the phone

Who is Jane Gallagher?