Pre-United States
Colonial/Post Am. Revolution
What is the definition and part of speech for 'Recapitulate'?
(verb) summarize and state again the main points of
What is Lucy Terry's "Bar Fight" about?
A true account of Native Americans attacking 2 Caucasian families.
How was Hammon’s last work discovered?
A professor assigned a research essay, student found it within a collection from Hammon's slaveowners.
What theme is in Jupiter Hammon's "An Essay on Slavery"
Trusting God no matter what the situation (slave or free)
What/who can be described using the adjective "sovereign"? *Explain*
God is an example because He is considered to be the ruler of all things. Any answer that is explained with the definition will do!
Create a detailed sentence with the word 'illiterate'
Oral literature was used to do what?
Used to record the history, culture, and beliefs of each nation.
Jupiter Hammon was the first ____________ African American author. How did he become literate?
first published Af. Am. author. His owners sent him to school with their children to learn to read/write.
What theme did the Virginia slaves say about their reading/writing?
They had difficulty with it They could only write on Sundays They were bad at it
American Literature
... the literature written or produced in the area of the United States and its preceding colonies.
What does cogency mean; create a detailed sentence.
the quality of being clear, logical, convincing. details!!!
The reason that the creation of Butterflies in the Papago tribe story is tied to American Beliefs is...
They believe that Butterflies grant wishes, butterflies are silent, butterflies are sacred/beautiful
Why does Hammon not use the term "slave/slavery" in the poem "An Evening Thought"?
Some believe he wasn't talking about slavery and others feel that he was, but couldn't write about it for fear of persecution/being killed.
Lucy Terry's "Bars Fight" has a repeated theme of what?
People dying.
Use rancor in a detailed sentence Provide an antonym with the correct part of speech
details!! noun!
Which vocabulary word would complete/make this sentence a detailed one? After being an A+ student for months, John has begun to _________ and fail tests again.
The literature that treated animals and humans as equal characters had a special belief about nature; what is it?
Nature teaches moral lessons; All things are sacred (from a big mountain to a tiny flower) *Native American Literature*
"An Essay on Slavery" shows that Hammon feels slavery is okay. True or false? Explain how you know.
False. He says he doesnt want to stay in slavery, but will do God's will.
What themes are repeated in "An Evening Thought"? What do they reveal about Hammon's concerns/thoughts being that this is his first work
Salvation Redemption He wants everyone to be saved/have a relationship with God
Lucy Terry and Jupiter Hammon are known for being the first African Americans to do things. What did each author do and why is it important?
First literary work first published work
What is an antonym for "Repine" Write a detailed sentence.
make sure it is a verb!
How did the Virginia Slaves try to reach out to Bishop Gibson? + Why did they do this?
By claiming they were half-white/ therefore should not be in slavery. It was a tactic to become free.
"An Evening Thought" was written by Jupiter Hammon. What was this author raised to believe about slavery and how may it have influenced this poem?
Calvinist principle that slavery and Christianity go hand in hand Influence---not saying slavery is bad.
What is a theme present in both "Bars Fight" and "An Evening Thought"? Evidence your answer
Life is sacred...shown by the death in "Bars Fight"and the hope that all will be saved in "An Evening Thought"
What is similar about the Papago butterfly story and "Bars Fight"?
They use nature in their story to underscore the deeper meaning. *this was tricky.....did you get it? Its okay :( OR DID YOU GET IT??? OH MY GOSH DID YOU GET IT?*