This object holds the camera still particularly during long exposures.
What depth of field means that all or most of the entire image is in clear focus?
Small/Deeper Depth of Field
What setting would you use to freeze motion 1/8 OR 1/500?
1/500 Shutter speed
What happens to a photo when the camera's sensor receives too little light?
It is Underexposed
Which element of the exposure triangle determines the opening in the lens that controls how much light comes through to the sensor?
Provides extra light to a dark scene to take a picture
What depth of field means that only a small part of the image is in focus and the rest is blurred?
Wide/Shallow Depth of Field
To take pictures in a dark room, what would you make sure to set on your camera first?
What is ISO?
What happens to a photo when the camera's sensor receives too much light?
It is overexposed.
Which element of the exposure triangle measures the camera sensor's sensitivity to light?
It is what focuses light from what you see through the viewfinder into a sensor on the back of your cellphone, DSLR, or mirrorless camera.
Which f-stop gives a larger aperture to let more light in -- 4.5 or 22?
In general, what is the best IOS setting in a camera?
The lowest native ISO on your camera is your “base ISO”
Which element of the exposure triangle determines how slow or fast the lens is opened or closed?
Shutter Speed
Name the two general divisions for all TYPES of cameras
If you where in a dark room with minimum light, what would be your best selection for ISO,
a) 100 "base ISO"
b) 1600 and higher.
b) 1600 and higher
What does DSLR stand for?
Digital Single-Lens Reflex
What was the first camera company
a) Cannon
b) Kodak
c) Fuji
b) Eastman Kodak
Raising your ISO has consequences. What happens if a photo is taken at too high of an ISO will show a lot of grain
It will show a lot of grain/noise