Integer Operations
Decimal Operations
Real World Problems
Fraction operations
Mixed Review
109 + (-162)
What is -53

What is the DIFFERENCE between the greatest and the smallest value?

5.7 ,  -2.1 ,  8.9  , -4.5  ,  3.4

What is 13.4

8.9 - (-4.5)

The temperature in your apartment was 79 degrees. Then, you stepped outside a December morning and the temperature was -18 degrees. What is the change in temperature?
What is 97 degrees?

5/8 - (1/2)

What is 1/8


change the fractions to decimals. 

-3/4 = ____ 

1/3 = ____ 

What is -0.75 and

0.3333... (repeating)


Select the values that result in a POSITIVE value.

A. (-)(+)(-)(+)(+)(-)

B. (-1)(2)(2)(-3)(1)(-4)

C. (-)(-)(+)(-)(+)(+)(-)

D. (-13)(21)(-20)(-32)(11)(-14)

What is C and D


Select the values that result in a NEGATIVE value.

A. (-)(+)(-)(+)(+)

B. (-1.1)(2.7)(-3.4)(-4.4)

C. (-)(-)(+)(-)(+)(+)(-)(-)

D. (-1.3)(2.1)(-2.0)

What is B and C

B. (-1.1)(2.7)(-3.4)(-4.4)

C. (-)(-)(+)(-)(+)(+)(-)(-)

A winter morning, the temperature was 15.3 degrees at 11:00 in the morning. The temperature had decreased 20.1 degrees at 6:00 p.m. What was the temperature at 6:00 p.m.?
What is -4.8 degrees?

Order the following numbers from least to greatest. -9 1/2, 9 1/2, 9 3/4, -9 1/4, -9 3/4

What is -9 3/4, -9 1/2, -9 1/4, 9 1/2, 9 3/4?


(-2 1/2) (-1  2/3)

What is 4  1/6


Which of the following situations results in a sum of 2?

A. Temperature was -8 degrees. By the end of the day, it rose 6 degrees.

B. Losing 5 pounds then gaining 7 pounds

C. Depositing 42 dollars then withdrawing 40 dollars.

D. A debt of $35. Earned $12 for walking dogs and earns $20 for mowing his lawn.

What is  B, and D

B. -5 +7 = 2

C. 42 - 40 = 2


Find (3/4) ÷ (-2 1/2). Simplify the answer.

What is -3/10?


In golf, 0 represents a score of par, and a player’s score describes its relationship to par. Which golfer’s score is closest to par? 

A) Tiger Woodsscored -4 on Thursday and 3 on Friday. 

B) Phil Mickelson scored +4 on Thursday and -4 on Friday. 

C) Adam Scott scored 0 on Thursday and 3 on Friday. 

D) Sergio Garcia-5 on Thursday and -2 on Friday

What is B)Phil Mickelson?


Select the values that result in a POSITIVE value.

A. (-)(+)(-)(+)(+)

B. (-1.1)(2.7)(-3.4)(-4.4)

C. (-)(-)(+)(-)(+)(+)(-)(-)

D. (-1.3)(2.1)(-2.0)

What is -216


-7.5 (-2  3/4)

What is 20  5/8


Determine which situation represents  -20/6

A) The temperature decreased 20 degrees per minute for a total 6 minutes. What was the total change?

B) A dog lost 20 frisbees then found 6 frisbees at the park. What is the total frisbee count?

C) 20 pieces of candy and each student gets 6 pieces, how many students are getting candy?

D) Sam withdrew 20 dollars from her bank account over 6 days. If she took the same amount out each day, how much did her bank account change each day?

D) Sam withdrew 20 dollars from her bank account over 6 days. If she took the same amount out each day, how much did her bank account change each day?

-20 / 6 


- 3.6 ÷ 2  1/7

What is -1  17/25


A crane lifts a pallet of concrete blocks 8 feet from the back of a truck. The truck drives away and the crane lowers the pallet 13 feet. What is the final position of the pallet relative to where it started.

What is -5 or 5 feet lower.



(-5/12) / (-2/3)

What is 5/8


Change each decimal to a fraction ( in simplest form)

____ = -1.6

____ = .25  

What is   -1 and 3/5

and    1/4  


Which value has the GREATEST expression?

A. -15 - 16

B. -15 - (-16)

C.  -16 + (-15)

D. -16 - 15

What is B

B. -15 - (-16) = -15 + 16 = 1


Peter pays for a gym membership. He pays $10.50 per month. He decides after 4 months that he wants to cancel. How much will he have to pay for the 4 months?

What is paying $42.00 OR



The temperature was -7 degrees when you go to school on Tuesday. The temperature rose 25 degrees during the day, but fell 30 during the night. A heat wave increased the temperature 40 degrees on Tuesday, but then an artic wind overnight decreased the temperature 65 degrees. What was the temperature on Wednesday?

What is -37 degrees?

Fox River measured at 7/3 feet high at the beginning of October. Over a couple weeks, the water level decreased 4/5 feet. What is the current water level of the Fox river?

What is 23/15 feet high


1 and 8/15 feet high


A scuba diver is swimming at a depth of -6.6 meters. He then swims 0.5 meters towards the surface every  second for a total of 10 seconds. What is the divers new location relative to the surface of the water?

What is -1.6 feet 

or 1.6 feet below sea level