says this Muppet is the origin of the "Om nom nom nom" eating meme
Cookie Monster
It's a swimming stroke as well as a type of wrestling, skiing & skating
J.K. Rowling stunned fans when she admitted this character should have married Harry Potter, not Ron
To take in a gas or liquid
Cyanobacteria, which can occur in tide pools, hot springs & ice-covered lakes, are AKA blue-green this
A 2016 interview with this Batman actor found him looking sad; the internet then made him the meme we deserve
Ben Affleck
In a fairy tale Jack climbs it to a magic castle in the clouds
Rowling said the only character her editor saw her cry over killing was Remus Lupin, who was one of these monsters
To say something in a speech without any preparation
A single alteration in the sequence of bases in a DNA molecule, such as a change from thymine to cytosine, is the point type of this
After she wore a jacket with "I really don't care. Do u?" written on it, memes flew fast & furious
Melania Trump
Types of this, which is often unleavened, include tortilla, pita & chapati
Rowling said one question she hates being asked is why this smallest ball in Quidditch is worth 150 points
To "act with" this noun means to behave with great composure
It's 1,836 times the mass of an electron & equal & opposite in charge
When Tom Holland as him said, "I don't feel so good" in "Infinity War", half the meme community sprang to life
An armed combatant who entertained audiences in the Roman Republic and Roman Empire
Rowling revealed she created these cloaked Azkaban guards after her own battles with depression
Note the category, fill in 1 letter & you've got this white garment worn by clergy
There are 602 sextillion, 200 quintillion atoms in one of these standard international base units
a mole
One meme about this actor who was "Walker, Texas Ranger": he "counted to infinity--twice"
Chuck Norris
In math, it's the set of real numbers; in "Star Trek", the space-time one got messed with quite a bit
After a lawyer accidentally outed her, Rowling had to admit she wrote this alliterative 2013 mystery
Cuckoo's Calling
"Have" is this 2-word part of speech in the phrase "we have spoken"
auxiliary verb
It's a watch brand & a Nissan your parents drove--oh, & a star that emits regular bursts of radio waves